U.S. Government & Politics Assignment Library

10.1 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.1 American Attitudes About Government and politics

Class Companion

10.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.10 Ideology and Social Policy

Class Companion

10.3 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.2 Political Socialization

Class Companion

11.1 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.5 Measuring Public Opinion

Class Companion

11.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.6 Evaluating Public Opinion Data

Class Companion

11.3 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.6 Evaluating Public Opinion Data

Class Companion

12/12 - Campaign Finance
Short answer

Class Companion

12.1 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.7 Ideologies of Political Parties

Class Companion

12.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.9 Ideology and Economic Policy

Class Companion

12.3 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.8 Ideology and Policy Making

Class Companion

12.4 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.8 Ideology and Policy Making

Class Companion

1.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.1 Ideals of Democracy

Class Companion

13.1 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

13.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.2 Voter Turnout

Class Companion

13.3 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

13.4 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.8 Electing a President

Class Companion

13.5 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.11 Campaign Finance

Class Companion

1.3 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.2 Types of Democracy

Class Companion

14.1 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.3 Political Parties

Class Companion

14.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.4 How and Why Political Parties Change and Adapt

Class Companion

14.3 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.8 Electing a President

Class Companion

14.4 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.5 Third-Party Politics

Class Companion

1.4 Challenges of the Articles of Confederation | Shays' Rebellion
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.4 Challenges of the Articles of Confederation

Class Companion

1.4 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.4 Challenges of the Articles of Confederation

Class Companion

14th Amendment FRQ

Class Companion

15.1 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.6 Interest Groups Influencing Policy Making

Class Companion

15.2 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.6 Interest Groups Influencing Policy Making

Class Companion

15.3 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.7 Groups Influencing Policy Outcomes

Class Companion

16.1 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.13 Changing Media

Class Companion

16.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.13 Changing Media

Class Companion

16.3 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.12 The Media

Class Companion

1st Amendment and Supreme Court Decisions
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.2 First Amendment: Freedom of Religion

Class Companion

2024 Interest Group Argumentative FRQ Claim
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.2 Types of Democracy

Class Companion

2.15 Policy and Branches of Government
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.15 Policy and the Branches of Government

Class Companion

2.1 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.4 Challenges of the Articles of Confederation

Class Companion

(2.2) Comprehensive FRQ: People's Pie - Budget Process
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.2 Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Class Companion

2.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.5 Ratification of the United States Constitution

Class Companion

2.2 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.5 Ratification of the United States Constitution

Class Companion

(2.3) SCOTUS FRQ: Baker v. Carr (1962) and Bush v. Gore (2000)
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

(2.3) SCOTUS FRQ: Baker v. Carr & Shaw v. Reno
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

(2.9) Federalist No. 78
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.9 Legitimacy of the Judicial Branch

Class Companion

3.1.8 Aspire to Do: FRQ #4
Short answer

Class Companion

3.2 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.8 Constitutional Interpretations of Federalism

Class Companion

3.4 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.7 Relationship Between States and the Federal Government

Class Companion

3rd Party Barriers
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.5 Third-Party Politics

Class Companion

4.1 American Attitudes About Government and Politics
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.1 American Attitudes About Government and politics

Class Companion

4.1 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.1 Congress: The Senate and the House of Representatives

Class Companion

4.2 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

4.3 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.2 Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Class Companion

4.4 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

4.5 Concept Application
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.5 Measuring Public Opinion

Class Companion

4.5 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.2 Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Class Companion

4.6 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

5.11 Federal Election Spending Analysis
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.11 Campaign Finance

Class Companion

5.11 SCOTUS Comparison: Citizens United
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.11 Campaign Finance

Class Companion

5.1 FRQ #1
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

5.2 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.6 Expansion of Presidential Power

Class Companion

5.4 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.7 Presidential Communication

Class Companion

(5.4) Quantitative Analysis FRQ- 1966 Midterms
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.4 How and Why Political Parties Change and Adapt

Class Companion

6.1 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.8 The Judicial Branch

Class Companion

6.2 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.8 The Judicial Branch

Class Companion

7.1 FRQ
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.12 The Bureaucracy

Class Companion

7.2 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.13 Discretionary and Rule-Making Authority

Class Companion

7.4 FRQ Practice
Short answer

Class Companion

8.3 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.2 First Amendment: Freedom of Religion

Class Companion

8.5 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.8 Amendments: Due Process and the Rights of the Accused

Class Companion

9.1 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.1 The Bill of Rights

Class Companion

9.2 FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.10 Social Movements and Equal Protection

Class Companion

AE: Horse Race FRQ 2
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.9 Congressional Elections

Class Companion

AE: Tension Between Majority and Minority Rights
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.12 Balancing Minority and Majority Rights

Class Companion

American Views on Immigration Policies
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.6 Evaluating Public Opinion Data

Class Companion

Analysis of Racial Gerrymandering and Its Constitutional Implications
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

AP Gov 4.2-Political Socialization - Tech and Unemployment FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.2 Political Socialization

Class Companion

AP Gov Argumentative Essay: Free Speech Zones

Class Companion

APGOV CH 2 FRQ: Concept Application Style
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.2 Types of Democracy

Class Companion

AP Government
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.1 The Bill of Rights

Class Companion

AP Government Required Documents Quiz
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Government Review: Lobster Farm
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Government Unit 3 Review: Civil Liberties and the First Amendment
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Government Unit 3 Review: Civil Liberties and the First Amendment
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Gov FRQ Quant 4.9 Marginal Tax Rates
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.9 Ideology and Economic Policy

Class Companion

AP Gov FRQ Unit 4 Comparing Generational Voting Patterns
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

AP Gov - Quantitative Analysis FRQ - Presidential Vetoes

Class Companion

AP Gov - SCOTUS FRQ - McCulloch v Maryland

Class Companion

AP Success - AP Gov & Pol: Comprehensive Set 1
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Success - AP Gov & Pol: Comprehensive Set 2
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Success - AP Gov & Pol: Comprehensive Set 3
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Success - AP Gov & Pol: Comprehensive Set 4
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Success - AP Gov & Pol: Comprehensive Set 5
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Success - AP Gov & Pol: Comprehensive Set 6
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Success - AP Gov & Pol: Comprehensive Set 7
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Success - AP Gov & Pol: Comprehensive Set 8
Multiple choice

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Challenges and Limits of Legislative Veto Power
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.15 Policy and the Branches of Government

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Checks and Balances on Presidential Power in Judiciary
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.5 Checks on the Presidency

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Critiquing Section 1033 and ACLU strategy and reform
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.6 Interest Groups Influencing Policy Making

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Federalism and Drinking Age
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.7 Relationship Between States and the Federal Government

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: First Amendment and Selective Incorporation in Cantwell v. Connecticut.
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.7 Selective Incorporation

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Funding Cuts and Rising Tuitions in US Public Higher Education
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.6 Interest Groups Influencing Policy Making

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Homeland Security Agency: Financial & Policy Authority Benefits
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.13 Discretionary and Rule-Making Authority

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Kyrsten Sinema's Political Transformation and Conflict with AZ Democrats
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.3 Changes in Ideology

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Passing the Affordable Care Act and Congressional Processes
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: Reagan, Media, and Presidential Powers
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.7 Presidential Communication

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: TSA's Roles, Actions, and Executive Branch Influence
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.12 The Bureaucracy

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: Concept Application: War Powers Resolution: Constitutional Provisions & Presidential Criticisms
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.6 Expansion of Presidential Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Constitutionality, Censorship, and Prior Restraint: New York Times Co. v. United States (1971)
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.4 First Amendment: Freedom of the Press

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Constitutional Power and Interstate Commerce: United States v. Lopez (1995)
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.8 Constitutional Interpretations of Federalism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Constitutional Provision and Student Drug Testing: Roe v. Wade (1973)
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.9 Amendments: Due Process and the Right to Privacy

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Constitutional Provisions and Prayer in Schools: Engel v. Vitale (1962)
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.2 First Amendment: Freedom of Religion

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Constitutional Rights and Access to Legal Representation: Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.8 Amendments: Due Process and the Rights of the Accused

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Free Speech and Imminent Action: Schenck v. United States (1919)
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.3 First Amendment: Freedom of Speech

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Gun Control Cases and McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010)
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.5 Second Amendment: Right to Bear Arms

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Segregation, Responsibility & Judicial Restraint: Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.11 Checks on the Judicial Branch

Class Companion

AP Success - AP U.S. Gov & Pol: SCOTUS Comparison: Women’s Health: Roe v. Wade (1973)
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.10 The Court in Action

Class Companion

AP U.S. Government and Politics: Supreme Court Case Review
Multiple choice

Class Companion

Argumentative Essay
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Argumentative Essay
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Argumentative Essay
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.5 Second Amendment: Right to Bear Arms

Class Companion

Argument Essay- Responsible for Advancing Equality of Opportunity
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

Arizona Democrats
Short answer

Class Companion

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Confirmation
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.5 Checks on the Presidency

Class Companion

Autocratic Governments v1 - Iran
Short answer
-Unit 1Government Types

Class Companion

Baker v. Carr Case Study
Short answer

Class Companion

Baker v. Carr & Shaw v. Reno
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

Betts v. Brady (1942)
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.8 Amendments: Due Process and the Rights of the Accused

Class Companion

Brown and Rodriguez SCOTUS
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.10 Social Movements and Equal Protection

Class Companion

Brown and Rodriguez SCOTUS FRQ
Short answer

Class Companion

Brown v. Board of Education
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.10 Social Movements and Equal Protection

Class Companion

Bureaucracy and Policy
Short answer

Class Companion

CA Governor Newsom's 28th Amendment
Short answer
-Constitutional Amemdment ProcessConstitutional Amendment Process

Class Companion

Campaign Finance
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.11 Campaign Finance

Class Companion

Campaign Finance Analysis
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.13 Changing Media

Class Companion

Citizens United v. FEC
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.11 Campaign Finance

Class Companion

Clean Water Act and the EPA
Short answer

Class Companion

Comparative Analysis of Supreme Court Cases
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.10 Social Movements and Equal Protection

Class Companion

Comparative Analysis of Supreme Court Cases Brown
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.10 Social Movements and Equal Protection

Class Companion

Concept Analysis - DREAM Act
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.8 Ideology and Policymaking

Class Companion

Concept App FRQ: Bernie Sanders College for All Act
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.9 Ideology and Economic Policy

Class Companion

Concept Application: Accountability in Government Hiring Practices
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.4 Challenges of the Articles of Confederation

Class Companion

Concept Application Analysis Practice FRQ AP Test
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.5 Checks on the Presidency

Class Companion

Concept Application Analysis Practice FRQ AP Test
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.6 Interest Groups Influencing Policy Making

Class Companion

Concept Application Analysis Practice FRQ AP Test
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.8 Ideology and Policy Making

Class Companion

Concept Application Analysis Practice FRQ AP Test
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.2 Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Class Companion

Concept Application Analysis Practice FRQ AP Test
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.6 Principles of American Government

Class Companion

Concept Application: Checks and Balances on Presidential Power in Judiciary
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.5 Checks on the Presidency

Class Companion

Concept Application FRQ Practice #1
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3, 2.7, 2.13

Class Companion

Concept Application FRQ: President Johnson Head Start Grant
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.7 Relationship Between States and the Federal Government

Class Companion

Concept Application: Passing the Affordable Care Act and Congressional Processes
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

Concept Application Presidential Powers
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Concept Application Unit 2: Presidential SCOTUS Appointment (Unit 2 Test)
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Conceptual Analysis Question ( Unit 4)
Short answer

Class Companion

Congressional Hearing Days in the House that Investigated the Executive Branch
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.5 Checks on the Presidency

Class Companion

Congressional Oversight and Presidential Influence on Bureaucracy
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.14 Holding the Bureaucracy Accountable

Class Companion

Congressional Oversight on Social Media Regulation

Class Companion

Congressional Oversight on Social Media Regulation

Class Companion

Congressional Powers
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.1 Congress: The Senate and the House of Representatives

Class Companion

Congressional Roles
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

Congress Practice FRQ #1 (option 2)
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Congress Test Practice FRQ #1 (option 3)
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Constitution Test
Short answer

Class Companion

CR - Domestic Policy
Short answer
-Domestic Policy

Class Companion

CR - Economic Policy
Short answer
-Economic Policy

Class Companion

CR - Foreign Policy
Short answer
-Foreign Policy

Class Companion

CR - Structures & Origins
Short answer
-Structures and Origins of Government

Class Companion

CR - The Executive Branch
Short answer
-The Executive Branch

Class Companion

CR - The Judicial Branch
Short answer
-The Judicial Branch

Class Companion

CR - The Legislative Branch
Short answer
-The Legislative Branch

Class Companion

Current Events Paragraph From February 16 Current Events
Short answer

Class Companion

Declaration of Independence Breakdown
Short answer
-1- Foundations of American Democracy1.1 Ideals of Democracy

Class Companion

Declaration of Independence - Ideals of Democracy
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy

Class Companion

Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.1 Ideals of Democracy

Class Companion

Democratic Ideals in Action: Scenario Analysis
Short answer

Class Companion

Democratic Republic: Checks and Balances vs. Citizen Participation
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil RightsSocial Movements

Class Companion

Demographic Changes and Political Consequences
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.3 Political Parties

Class Companion

DOMA and the Windsor Case
Short answer

Class Companion

EBAS - Domestic Policy
-Economic Policy

Class Companion

EBAS - Economics
-Economic Policy

Class Companion

EBAS - Foreign Policy
-Foreign Policy

Class Companion

EBAS - Legislative Branch
-The Legislative Branch

Class Companion

EBAS - Structures and Origins
-Structures and Origins of Government

Class Companion

Economic Policy Analysis: The Raise the Wage Act
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Effectiveness of Legal Challenges vs. Social Movements in Changing Federal Policy on Civil Rights
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Class Companion

Effect of Linkage Institutions on Political Process
-Unit 5: Political Participation

Class Companion

Electoral College Quantitative Analysis FRQ
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.8 Electing a President

Class Companion

Engel v. Vitale Case Analysis

Class Companion

Environmental Policy Argument Essay

Class Companion

Environmental Policy Argument Essay

Class Companion

EOC Practice: Articles of Confederation
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy

Class Companion

Epipen CAQ
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.12 The Bureaucracy

Class Companion

Essay Prompt: The Federal Government's Power to Create a National Bank

Class Companion

Executive Branch FRQ1
Short answer

Class Companion

Executive Orders
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Executive Orders Expanding Presidential Power
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.6 Expansion of Presidential Power

Class Companion

Exploring Policy Diversity in the United States
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

Exploring the Bill of Rights: AP U.S. Government and Politics
Multiple choice
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.1 The Bill of Rights

Class Companion

FAA and Electronic Devices on Planes
Short answer

Class Companion

FDA's Role in Prescription Medication Regulation and the Impact on Insulin Pricing
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.12 The Bureaucracy

Class Companion

Federalism and Policy Making: An Argumentative Essay
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

Federalism and the Dynamics of Policy Making

Class Companion

Federalism and the Expanding Powers of the National Government
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.7 Relationship Between States and the Federal Government

Class Companion

Federalism and the Expansion of National Government Powers
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.7 Relationship Between States and the Federal Government

Class Companion

Federalism FRQ #3
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.8 Constitutional Interpretations of Federalism

Class Companion

Federalism Quantitative Analysis Practice
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

Federalist 10 & Brutus I Breakdown
Short answer
-1- Foundations of American Democracy1.5 Ratification of the US Constitution

Class Companion

Federalist 51 breakdown
Short answer
-1- Foundations of American Democracy1.6- Principles of American Government

Class Companion

Federalist No. 10, James Madison
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.6 Principles of American Government

Class Companion

Federalist No. 51
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.11 Checks on the Judicial Branch

Class Companion

Federalist No. 70, Alexander Hamilton
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.8 The Judicial Branch

Class Companion

First Amendment and Public Schools Reading Quiz
Multiple choice

Class Companion

Foundations of Government
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.6 Principles of American Government

Class Companion

Free Speech Zones on Public College Campuses
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.3 First Amendment: Freedom of Speech

Class Companion

-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.1 American Attitudes About Government and politics

Class Companion

FRQ 1.3
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.3 Government Power and Individual Rights

Class Companion

FRQ #1: Civil Liberties/Civil Rights
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil RightsCivil Liberties and Civil Rights in Practice

Class Companion

FRQ #1: Concept Analysis (AP Exam Review)
Short answer

Class Companion

FRQ 1: CONCEPT APPLICATION: Protecting Voting Rights
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

FRQ1: Home Builders*
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.7 Groups Influencing Policy Outcomes

Class Companion

FRQ1: Home Builders Scenario
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.6 Interest Groups Influencing Policy Making

Class Companion

FRQ1 Practice: Automation
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.8 Ideology and Policy Making

Class Companion

FRQ2 on Political Ideologies and Beliefs
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.7 Ideologies of Political Parties

Class Companion

FRQ #2: Political Behavior
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.2 Political Socialization

Class Companion

FRQ 2 QA: Presidential Power
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

FRQ 2 QA: Presidential Power
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

FRQ #2: Quantitative Analysis (AP Exam Review)
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.6 Expansion of Presidential Power

Class Companion

FRQ 2 UNIT 4 AGAIN???? YES or No?
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

FRQ #3 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.10 Social Movements and Equal Protection

Class Companion

FRQ #3: SCOTUS Comparison (AP Exam Review)
Short answer

Class Companion

FRQ 4: Argumentative Essay

Class Companion

FRQ #4: Argumentative Essay (AP Exam Review)

Class Companion

FRQ4: Citizens United
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.11 Campaign Finance

Class Companion

FRQ4 Claim Practice ONLY
Short answer

Class Companion

FRQ4 Practice: Equality of Opportunity
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties & Civil Rights3.10: Social Moverments & Equal Protection

Class Companion

FRQ4: The Media
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.12 The Media

Class Companion

FRQ For Unit 1 Exam 2023 AP Gov
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

FRQ Unit 2

Class Companion

FRQ Unit 3

Class Companion

Gerrymandering and Its Constitutionality
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.8 Amendments: Due Process and the Rights of the Accused

Class Companion

Gideon FRQ
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.8 Amendments: Due Process and the Rights of the Accused

Class Companion

Gideon v. Wainwright
Short answer

Class Companion

Ideals of Democracy
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.1 Ideals of Democracy

Class Companion

Ideology Minimum Wage
Short answer
-Unit 4 American Ideology and Beliefs4.2

Class Companion

Impact of Internet usage by Latinos on campaigns
Short answer

Class Companion

Informal and Formal Powers of the Presidency

Class Companion

Interest Groups Argumentative Essay

Class Companion

Interpreting the Constitution: McCulloch v. Maryland
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.6 Principles of American Government

Class Companion

Is the U.S. Congress a Gerontocracy?
Short answer
Origins of the ConstitutionRepresentative Government

Class Companion

Judicial Analysis of the 14th Amendment
Short answer

Class Companion

Judicial Branch Concept Analysis
Short answer

Class Companion

Judicial Branch - Judicial Activism
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.8 The Judicial Branch

Class Companion

Judicial Branch SCOTUS Comparison
Short answer

Class Companion

Labor and Education Departments Merged
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Legislative Branch Review
Short answer

Class Companion

Legislative Branch Review FRQ
Short answer

Class Companion

Legislative vs Executive Branch 2021 FRQ #4
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Liberty and Order
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.6 Amendments: Balancing Individual Freedom with Public Order and Safety

Class Companion

Many Voices and Well Reasoned
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.15 Policy and the Branches of Government

Class Companion

Marbury v. Madison SCC FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.9 Legitimacy of the Judicial Branch

Class Companion

McCulloch v. Maryland
Short answer

Class Companion

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
Short answer

Class Companion

McCulloch v. Maryland Case Study
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.11 Checks on the Judicial Branch

Class Companion

McCulloch v. Maryland & US v. Lopez breakdown
Short answer
-1- Foundations of American Democracy1.8- Constitutional Interpretations of Federalism

Class Companion

Models of Democracy
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.2 Types of Democracy

Class Companion

Models of Democracy
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.2 Types of Democracy

Class Companion

Models of Representative Democracy
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.2 Types of Democracy

Class Companion

Module 4a EBAS: Gross Domestic Product
-Unit 5: EconomicsEconimc Indicators

Class Companion

Morse v. Frederick S.C. Comparison
Short answer

Class Companion

National Labor Relations Act and its Impact
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.8 Constitutional Interpretations of Federalism

Class Companion

Necessary and Proper Clause Concept Application FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.1 Congress: The Senate and the House of Representatives

Class Companion

Net Neutrality and the FCC: Public Policy Analysis
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Origins and Foundations EBAS

Class Companion

Paragraph on 3 Aspects of How a Bill Becomes a Law
Short answer

Class Companion

Parties and Elections Concept Analysis
Short answer

Class Companion

Parties and Elections Quantitative Analysis
Short answer

Class Companion

Persuasive Essay: Superman vs. Batman for President
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy

Class Companion

Philosophical Origins of the US Government
Short answer
-Unit 01: Political Philosophy

Class Companion

Philosophical Perspectives : Hobbes and Locke
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.1 Ideals of Democracy

Class Companion

Policy Scenario San Jose
Short answer

Class Companion

Political Behavior Concept Analysis
Short answer

Class Companion

Political Behavior Quantitative Analysis
Short answer

Class Companion

Political Participation: Taylor Swift Concept FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation

Class Companion

Presidency FRQ

Class Companion

Presidency FRQ

Class Companion

Presidential Advantages in Foreign Policy
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Presidential Campaigns (Argumentative Essay)
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.10 Modern Campaigns

Class Companion

Presidential Executive Orders
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Presidential Nomination Contest
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.8 Electing a President

Class Companion

Proposal for 28th Amendment to the Constitution
Short answer

Class Companion

QA FRQ - Priorities and Parties
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.7 Ideologies of Political Parties

Class Companion

QA FRQ Public Opinion Polls
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.6 Evaluating Public Opinion Data

Class Companion

QA: Q: Mandatory Spending Chart FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.2 Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Class Companion

Quantitative Analysis FRQ AP Practice
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.13 Affirmative Action

Class Companion

Quantitative Analysis FRQ AP Practice
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.9 Ideology and Economic Policy

Class Companion

Quantitative Analysis FRQ AP Practice
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.12 The Bureaucracy

Class Companion

Quantitative Analysis FRQ AP Practice
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.13 Discretionary and Rule-Making Authority

Class Companion

Quantitative Analysis FRQ Practice
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Quantitative Analysis - Life Cycle Effects and Areas of Concern
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.3. Changes in Ideology

Class Companion

Quantitative Analysis Practice #1
Short answer

Class Companion

Quantitative Analysis Practice #2
Short answer

Class Companion

Quantitative analysis - Presidential appointments to the federal judiciary
Short answer

Class Companion

Quantitative FRQ 1: Political Behavior
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.2 Political Socialization

Class Companion

Ratification of the 27th Amendment
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.5 Ratification of the United States Constitution

Class Companion

Real Civil Liberties and Freedom of the Press
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.1 The Bill of Rights

Class Companion

Short answer

Class Companion

Representation Models in Congress: Delegate, Trustee, and Politico
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

Responsiveness of the US Government to Social Movements
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.7 Groups Influencing Policy Outcomes

Class Companion

Robert's Confirmation Hearing
Short answer

Class Companion

Roe v. Wade, Check for Understanding
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.9 Amendments: Due Process and the Right to Privacy

Class Companion

SCA: Condoleezza Rice Confirmation Sec of State
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.5 Checks on the Presidency

Class Companion

SCA: DOMA and the Windsor Case
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.8 The Judicial Branch

Class Companion

SCOTUS #3 - Gideon Comparison Case
Short answer

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison: Betts v. Brady and Gideon v. Wainwright
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.8 Amendments: Due Process and the Rights of the Accused

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison: Comparing Free Speech Cases: Tinker v. Des Moines
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.3 First Amendment: Freedom of Speech

Class Companion

Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.10 The Court in Action

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison Practice FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.3 First Amendment: Freedom of Speech

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison Practice FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.8 Constitutional Interpretations of Federalism

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison Practice FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.4 First Amendment: Freedom of the Press

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison Practice FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.11 Campaign Finance

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison: Segregation, Responsibility & Judicial Restraint: Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.11 Checks on the Judicial Branch

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison: Sweatt and Brown
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison: Wisconsin v Yoder (1972)
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.2 First Amendment: Freedom of Religion

Class Companion

SCOTUS FRQ - Brown v. BOE & Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. Harvard
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.13 Affirmative Action

Class Companion

SCOTUS FRQ (Greece vs Galloway)
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.2 First Amendment: Freedom of Religion

Class Companion

SCOTUS Practice 1
Short answer

Class Companion

SCOTUS: Seattle and Brown Case Comparison
Short answer
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.12 Balancing Minority and Majority Rights

Class Companion

SCOTUS: Shaw v Reno FRQ
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

SCOTUS U.S. v Lopez and Gonzales v Raich
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.3 Government Power and Individual Rights

Class Companion

SCOTUS Wesberry and Baker FRQ Unit 2
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Secretary of State Confirmation
Short answer

Class Companion

Social justice
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.10 Social Movements and Equal Protection

Class Companion

Supreme Court Application Connecticut v. Cantwell
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.1 The Bill of Rights

Class Companion

Supreme Court Comparison Cases #1
Short answer
-civil liberties civil rights

Class Companion

Teens and Democracy
Short answer

Class Companion

The Balance of Power: President vs Congress
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.6 Expansion of Presidential Power

Class Companion

The California Recall Election of 2003: An Analysis of Voting Behavior and Electoral Processes
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.10 Modern Campaigns

Class Companion

The Electoral College: To Abolish or Not to Abolish
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.8 Electing a President

Class Companion

The Electoral College: To Keep or Abolish?
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.8 Electing a President

Class Companion

The Expansion of Presidential Powers in Domestic Policy

Class Companion

The Impact of Checks and Balances on Faction
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.6 Principles of American Government

Class Companion

The Impact of Extended Presidential Campaign Seasons on American Democracy

Class Companion

The Impact of Federal Initiatives on Early Childhood Education
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

The Legacy of Brown v. The Board of Education

Class Companion

The Most Powerful Branch of Government: An Argumentative Essay
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

The Victory Lab, Chapter 1 "Blinded by Political Science"
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

The Victory Lab, Chapter 4 "The Two Percent Solution"
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

The Victory Lab, Chapter 7, "When Shame Pays a House Call"
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

The Victory Lab, Chapter 8, "Showdown at the Oasis"
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

The Weight of the Presidency: Evaluating the Importance of Selecting the Right Leader
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.4 Roles and Power of the President

Class Companion

Tik Tok Ban Quanitative Analysis FRQ
Short answer

Class Companion

Timbs v Indiana FRQ
Short answer

Class Companion

Tinker v. Des Moines
Short answer

Class Companion

Top Problems in the United States
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.7 Ideologies of Political Parties

Class Companion

Understanding American Government: Branches and Levels
Multiple choice
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.6 Principles of American Government

Class Companion

Understanding Attack Ads in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.10 Modern Campaigns

Class Companion

Understanding Federalism in the U.S. Constitution
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.1 Ideals of Democracy

Class Companion

Understanding Federalism in the U.S. Government and Politics
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.7 Relationship Between States and the Federal Government

Class Companion

Understanding Homeland Security
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.14 Holding the Bureaucracy Accountable

Class Companion

Understanding John Dickinson's Views on Liberty
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.2 Types of Democracy

Class Companion

Understanding Nixon's Veto of the War Powers Resolution
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.5 Checks on the Presidency

Class Companion

Understanding Selective Incorporation, Procedural Due Process, and Substantive Due Process
Short answer
-Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.7 Selective Incorporation

Class Companion

Understanding 'The Jamaica Letter' and Its Impact on Latin American Independence
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.6 Principles of American Government

Class Companion

Understanding the United States Government and the Civil War
Short answer

Class Companion

Unit 1 EBAS

Class Companion

Unit 1 Prompt 3
Short answer

Class Companion

Unit 1 SCOTUS FRQ - Lopez & Gonzales
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

Unit 1 SCOTUS FRQ Lopez & Raich
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

Unit 1 SCOTUS FRQ - McCulloch & Gibbons
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

Unit 1 SCOTUS Practice Before the Quiz (A) Lopez & Steel
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

Unit 1 SCOTUS Practice Before the Quiz (B) McCulloch v. Thornton
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.9 Federalism in Action

Class Companion

Unit 2 FRQ 1: High Quality Preschool
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Unit 2 FRQ PD 5
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.3 Congressional Behavior

Class Companion

Unit 2 Practice, Quantitative Analysis FRQ
Short answer
Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Unit 2 Quiz #1
Short answer

Class Companion

Unit 3 Concept FRQ: Primaries Concept FRQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.8 Electing a President

Class Companion

Unit 4: College For All Act (Concept Application)
Short answer
Unit 4 American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

UNIT 4 FRQ 1: Understanding the Impact of Raising the Federal Minimum Wage
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

Unit 4 FRQ 2 Percent of Each Party Who Self-Identify as Ideological
Short answer
Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

Unit 4 FRQ 2: Political Party and Ideologies
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

Unit 4 FRQ 2: Political Party and Ideologies -- NEW AND IMPROVED (WORKING?)
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

Unit 4 FRQ 3: Analyzing Voting Patterns and Public Policy Influence
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

Unit 4 FRQ 3 Percentage Who Vote Quant
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

Unit 4 FRQ 3 Percentage Who Vote Quant -- NEW AND IMPROVED (WORKING?)
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs

Class Companion

Unit 4: Political Behavior
Short answer
-Unit 4: American Political Ideologies and Beliefs4.2 Political Socialization

Class Companion

Unit 4: Voting Quantitative FRQ
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

Unit 5 FRQ Correction C
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

Urban Problems Reflection
Short answer

Class Companion

U.S. Congress Overview
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.1 Congress: The Senate and the House of Representatives

Class Companion

US Government HLA Assessment on Student Internet Use
Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3.1 The Bill of Rights

Class Companion

U.S. v Lopez/Gonzalez v. Raich
Short answer
-Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy

Class Companion

Voter Demographics and Election Strategies
Short answer
-Unit 5: Political Participation5.2 Voter Turnout

Class Companion

Votes Won and Seats Won
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.2 Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Class Companion

Voting Concept Analysis
Short answer

Class Companion

Voting Concept Analysis
Short answer

Class Companion

Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior FRQ2
Short answer
Unit 5: Political Participation5.1 Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior

Class Companion

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Short answer
Unit 1: Foundations of American Democracy1.4 Challenges of the Articles of Confederation

Class Companion

What is the difference between an expressed and an implied power of Congress?
Short answer
-Unit 2: Interactions Among Branches of Government2.2 Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Class Companion

Assignments From Other Subjects