Civics Assignment Library

5.2 FRQ: Voter Turnout Influences
-Political ParticipationVoter Turnout

Class Companion

Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations
American Political Ideologies and BeliefsAmerican Attitudes About Government and politics

Class Companion

ai essay check nibba
-Interactions Among Branches of GovernmentExpansion of Presidential Power

Class Companion

Analysis of a Supreme Court Case
Short answer
-Judicial BranchSupreme Court Cases

Class Companion

Analyze the Influence of a Political Philosopher on the Development of American Government

Class Companion

AP Gov - Quantitative Analysis FRQ - Education Funding - Handwritten
Foundations of American DemocracyFederalism in Action

Class Companion

AP Gov - SCOTUS FRQ - McCulloch v Maryland
Short answer
-Foundations of American DemocracyFederalism in Action

Class Companion

Argumentative Paragraph on Economics
Short answer
-American Political Ideologies and BeliefsIdeology and Economic Policy

Class Companion

Balance of Power
Interactions Among Branches of Government

Class Companion

Causes of World War I
Short answer

Class Companion

C.E.R.CC.E. Presidential Power
Short answer
-Unit 3Executive Branch

Class Companion

Citizenship in Athens and Rome DBQ Essay

Class Companion

Civics and Community: Understanding Home Renovation Regulations
Short answer

Class Companion

Comparative and Absolute Advantage in Production
Short answer
-Basic Economic ConceptsComparative Advantage

Class Companion

Constitutional Amendments
Short answer

Class Companion

Democratic Principles and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Foundations of American DemocracyGovernment Power and Individual Rights

Class Companion

Feb. Current Events Assignment

Class Companion

Fishbowl Reflection Questions
Short answer

Class Companion

Foundations of Nationalism
Short answer

Class Companion

Framing the Constitution Conceptual FRQ
Short answer
-Foundations of American DemocracyPrinciples of American Government

Class Companion

Gerrymandering Cartoon Analysis
Short answer
The Legislative BranchSSCG8b

Class Companion

Gov Test #2, 3.1.24
Short answer

Class Companion

Gov Test #3, 4/22/24
Short answer

Class Companion

Hats of the President Reflection
Short answer

Class Companion

Mid term review open response questions
Short answer

Class Companion

People's Pie
Short answer

Class Companion

Peter Carlo Paccone
Short answer
Civil Liberties and Civil RightsDue Process, the Rights of the Accused, and the Right to Privacy

Class Companion

Political Party Ideology
Short answer
Political ParticipationPolitical Parties

Class Companion

Powers of the President Inquiry Based Question
Short answer
-The Executive branchSSCG10a Powers of the President

Class Companion

Problem 4-1 - Methods for Resolving Disputes
Short answer

Class Companion

Problem 4.2 - Dispute at the Mall
Short answer

Class Companion

Reconstruction Amendments in Modern America
-Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Class Companion

SCOTUS Comparison FRQ: Brown v. Board
Short answer
-Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Class Companion

Supreme Court Showdown: Landmark Cases
Multiple choice

Class Companion

The Evolution of Political Parties
Short answer
-Foundations of American DemocracyPrinciples of American Government

Class Companion

The President's Daily Schedule
Short answer
Interactions Among Branches of GovernmentPowers of the Executive Branch

Class Companion

Understanding Article I of the U.S. Constitution
Short answer
Interactions Among Branches of GovernmentCongress: The Senate and the House of Representatives

Class Companion

Understanding Civic Engagement in Democratic Societies
Short answer

Class Companion

Understanding Domestic Policy Issues: An 'I Side With' Exploration
Short answer
-CitizenshipPublic Policy Development

Class Companion

Understanding the Functions and Influences of Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Media in Democracy
Short answer
-CitizenshipCivic Involvement

Class Companion

Understanding the Impeachment Process
Short answer
Interactions Among Branches of GovernmentChecks on the Presidency

Class Companion

Voting and Elections
Short answer
-Political ParticipationModern Campaigns

Class Companion

What is the difference between and expressed and implied power of Congress?
Short answer
-Interactions Among Branches of GovernmentCongress: The Senate and the House of Representatives

Class Companion

Wisconsin Primary Debate
Short answer
-Unit 3Executive Branch

Class Companion

Writing Assessment -- Gideon v. Wainwright
Short answer
Interactions Among Branches of GovernmentThe Judicial Branch

Class Companion

Assignments From Other Subjects