Aerobic Respiration | Short answer | - | Cell processes | Metabolism | |
Analyzing Hormone Signaling in Cells | Short answer | | Unit 3: Cell comunication | | |
AP Biology: Cellular Structure and Organelle Functions | Essay | - | | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Energetics - Cell Structure | Short answer | - | Unit 2 Cell structure and function | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Energetics - Cellular Respiration | Short answer | - | Unit 3: Cellular Energetics | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Energetics - Immune Response | Short answer | - | Unit 3: Cellular Energetics | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Energetics in Cold-Adapted Bacteria | Short answer | - | Unit 3: Cellular Energetics | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Energetics - Photosynthesis | Short answer | - | Unit 3: Cellular Energetics | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Energetics - Thermodynamics and Homeostasis | Short answer | - | Unit 3: Cellular Energetics | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Evolution - Biodiversity and Ecosystems | Short answer | - | Unit 8: Ecology | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Evolution - Genetics | Short answer | - | Unit 5 Heredity | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Evolution - Mathematical Modeling of Populations | Short answer | - | Unit 8: Ecology | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Evolution - Natural Selection | Short answer | - | Unit 7: Natural selection | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Evolution - Origins of Cell Compartmentalization | Short answer | - | Unit 2 Cell structure and function | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Evolution - Species Classification | Short answer | - | Unit 7: Natural selection | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Info Storage & Transfer -Cell Comms | Short answer | - | Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Info Storage & Transfer - Cell Cycle (Mitosis & Meiosis) | Short answer | - | Unit 5 Heredity | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Info Storage & Transfer - DNA, RNA, and Gene Expression | Short answer | - | Unit 6: Gene Expression and Regulation | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Info Storage & Transfer - Endocrine | Short answer | - | Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Info Storage & Transfer - Nervous | Short answer | - | Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Info Storage & Transfer - Viruses | Short answer | - | Unit 6: Gene Expression and Regulation | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Systems Interact - Circulatory | Short answer | - | Unit 2 Cell structure and function | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Systems Interact - Digestion | Short answer | - | Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Systems Interact - Ecology | Short answer | - | Unit 8: Ecology | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Systems Interact - Enzymes | Short answer | - | Unit 3: Cellular Energetics | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Systems Interact - Musculoskeletal | Short answer | - | Unit 4: Cell Communication and Cell Cycle | | |
AP Success - AP Biology Conceptual Analysis: Systems Interact - Plant Structure | Short answer | - | Unit 2 Cell structure and function | | |
Are Forests Helping in the Fight Against Climate Change? | Mixed | | Cytology | Photosynthesis | |
Assignment 1 | Short answer | | | | |
Biodiversity and Cancer Drug Discovery | Short answer | | Ecology | | |
Biology - Lab Journal - Yeast Metabolism | Essay | | | | |
Biology of Skin Color Assignment | Essay | | Unit 3 Bend 2 | | |
Cell Differentiation | Short answer | - | | | |
Cell Membrane and Transport Mechanisms | Short answer | - | Cellular Biology | Cellular membrane and transport | |
Cellular Components and Energy Utilization | Short answer | - | Unit 2 Cell structure and function | | |
Characteristics of Biological Kingdoms | Short answer | - | Unit 2: Characteristics and Classification of Life | | |
DNA Data Nugget: Gene Expression Analysis in Stem Cells | Mixed | | dna | Gene Expression | |
DNA - structure and function review | Short answer | - | | | |
Ecology and Human Impact Review | Short answer | - | | | |
Ecology Assignment | Short answer | - | Unit 4 | Ecology | |
Energy Flow in Grassland Ecosystems | Short answer | - | AP Exam Review | | |
Energy Transfer in Ecosystems | Short answer | - | matter and energy | Energy Transfer | |
Enzymes | Short answer | - | Enzymes | Enzymes | |
Evidence of Evolution Writing Assignment | Short answer | | Unit 3 Bend 2 | | |
Evolution of Galapagos Finches | Multiple choice | | | | |
Exploring the Basics of Biology: A 7th Grade Adventure | Multiple choice | - | | | |
From One to the Next | Short answer | | Unit 3: Cell comunication | | |
GATTACA Project: The relationship between ethics and genes | Essay | | Genetics and Ethics | | |
Genetics DN: Why so blue? The determinants of color pattern in killifish | Mixed | | genetics | Gene Expression | |
Immune System | Short answer | - | | | |
Immune System B | Short answer | - | | | |
Invasion Meltdown | Mixed | - | | | |
January 2024 Living Environment Regents Written Response | Short answer | | Regents Review | | |
Lab: Catalase enzyme activity | Essay | - | | | |
Limit by limit: Nutrients control algal growth in Arctic streams | Short answer | | Biochemistry | Biomolecules | |
Mathematics Practice Questions | Short answer | - | | | |
Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids | Short answer | | | | |
Microevo Data Nugget: Feral Chickens and Red Junglefowl: Evolutionary Study | Mixed | | | | |
Mitosis/Meiosis | Short answer | - | Unit 5 | Cell Reproduction | |
PCB Exposure as a Selective Pressure | Short answer | | Unit 3: Cell comunication | | |
PETase Enzyme Analysis Exam Practice | Mixed | | Biochemistry | Biomolecules | |
Photosynthesis DN: Are Forests Helping in the Fight Against Climate Change? | Mixed | | Cytology | Photosynthesis | |
Photosynthesis in Coastal Marine Phytoplankton | Short answer | - | | | |
Picky Eaters: Dissecting Poo to Examine Moose Diets | Mixed | | Unit 8: Ecology | | |
Properties and Biological Applications of Water | Short answer | - | Unit 1 Chemistry of Life | | |
Research Article Analysis on Cancer Treatments and Environmental Factors | Short answer | - | | | |
Stages of Disease | Short answer | - | Epidemiology | Stages of Disease | |
Surface Area-to-Volume Ratios and Specialized Structures in Biological Systems | Short answer | - | Unit 2 Cell structure and function | Cell size | |
Trophic Mysteries: Solving the Cascade Effect | Mixed | | Energy and Matter | Trophic Cascades | |
Tusklessness in Female Elephants of Gorongosa Writing Assignment | Essay | | Unit 3 Bend 2 | Natural Selection | |
Understanding Cell Biology: Structures, Functions, and Processes | Short answer | - | 100 | | |
Understanding Chemical Reactions | Short answer | - | 8th Grade Science | Chemical Reactions | |
Understanding DNA and RNA | Short answer | - | | | |
Understanding Earth's Dynamic Surface and Plate Tectonics | Multiple choice | - | PlateTectonics | | |
Understanding Evolution: Sexual Dimorphism, Selection, and Fitness | Short answer | - | | | |
Understanding Mold Growth Written Response #1 | Short answer | - | Microbiomes | Written Response #1 Sonia | |
Understanding Sexual Selection | Short answer | - | Sexual Selection | | |
Understanding Speciation and Its Mechanisms | Short answer | - | | | |
Unit 11 Ecology Quiz 2: Photosynthesis and Ecology | Short answer | | Unit 11 Ecology | Quiz 2 | |
Unit 8.1 & 8.6 Millipede Habitat Preferences | Short answer | - | Unit 8: Ecology | | |