European History Assignment Library

#02b MCQ for The Way We Are reading (Burke)
Multiple choice
AP Euro Summer Work

Class Companion

#04a MC Chapter 11 part 2. War and Instability in the 14th c.
Multiple choice
-AP Euro Summer Work

Class Companion

#04c Jeanne D'Arc Image Analysis
Short answer
AP Euro Summer Work

Class Companion

1230GF SAQ The Creation of Adam
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

📝 1260 LEQ Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

1260 Renaissance LEQ
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

1330 SAQ Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

1330 SAQ Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

1332 SAQ Renaissance and Reformation Art
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.7 Art of the 16th Century: Mannerism and Baroque Art

Class Companion

1360 LEQ Reformation and Catholic Reformation
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.8 Causation in the Age of Reformation and the Wars of Religion

Class Companion

1370 DBQ German Peasants' War
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

1430 SAQ Ptolemy’s Map
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.6 Technological Advances and the Age of Exploration

Class Companion

✍️ 1431 SAQ The Columbian Exchange
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration

Class Companion

1431 SAQ The Columbian Exchange
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

1460 LEQ Economic Effect of Discovery and Exploration
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

📝 1461 LEQ Economic Effect of Atlantic Trade 1450-1700 (2010 - 4)
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.11 Causation in the Renaissance and Age of Discovery

Class Companion

1470 DBQ Conquest
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

14th Century Disasters
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

✍️ 1530 SAQ Dutch Commerce
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.5 The Dutch Golden Age

Class Companion

1560 LEQ Effects of State Centralization
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.1 Contextualizing State Building

Class Companion

1570 DBQ The Thirty Years' War
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.1 Contextualizing State Building

Class Companion

1571 DBQ The English Civil War
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

1631 SAQ Louis XIV
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

✍️ 1730 SAQ Adam Smith
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.4 Economic Development and Mercantilism

Class Companion

17th C. Economics (Primary Source) - Contextualization & Causation
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.10 The Commercial Revolution

Class Companion

1831 SAQ Renaissance and Reformation
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.5 18th-Century Culture and Arts

Class Companion

1962 LEQ Enlightenment Causation
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.5 The French Revolution's Effects

Class Companion

19th Century Modern Thought
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

1. French Revolution Paper 2: Part A
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

1. French Revolution Paper 2: Part B
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

1. German Nationalism Paper 2: Part A
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

1. German Nationalism Paper 2: Part B
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

1. Industrial Revolution Paper 2: Part A
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

1. Industrial Revolution Paper 2: Part B
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

1. Russian Revolution Paper 2: Part B
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration

Class Companion

2030 SAQ Spread of the Industrial Revolution
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

✍️ 2031 SAQ Spread of Industrialization
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

📝2261 Newton v Darwin LEQ
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.4 Darwinism, Social Darwinism

Class Companion

✍️ 2331 SAQ Ideology of the French Revolution
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

2425 Analysis of Columbus's Letter to Lord Sanchez, 1493
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

2425 Fall of Constantinople SAQ
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.5 New Monarchies

Class Companion

2425 Henry VIII as a New Monarch
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.5 New Monarchies

Class Companion

2425 Impact of Printing Press
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.4 Printing

Class Companion

2. French Revolution Paper 2: Part A
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

2. French Revolution Paper 2: Part B
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

2.German Nationalism Paper 2: Part A
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

2. German Nationalism Paper 2: Part B
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

2. Russian Revolution Paper 2: Part A
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

2. Russian Revolution Paper 2: Part B
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

30 Years War DBQ
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Absolute monarchs
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.1 Contextualizing State Building

Class Companion

Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

Absolutism and Constitutionalism SAQ 1
Short answer

Class Companion

Absolutism and Louis XIV Practice LEQ
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

Age of Exploration SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.6 Technological Advances and the Age of Exploration

Class Companion

Age of Reason Assignment
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.3 The Enlightenment

Class Companion

Analysis of Divine Right During the Age of Absolutism
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Class Companion

Analysis of Machiavelli's Views on Armed Citizenry
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.11 Causation in the Renaissance and Age of Discovery

Class Companion

Analysis of Machiavelli's Views on Armed Citizenry
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.11 Causation in the Renaissance and Age of Discovery

Class Companion

Analysis of Monarch Power Consolidation during the Age of Absolutism
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

Analysis of Napoleon Bonaparte's Influence on the French Revolution
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.5 The French Revolution's Effects

Class Companion

Analysis of Protestant Church-State Relations in the 1500s
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation

Class Companion

Analysis of Soviet Union Development in the 1920s and 1930s: Reflections and Departures from Marxism
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Analysis of the Catholic Reformation in the Sixteenth Century
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation

Class Companion

Analysis of 'The Pinch of Poverty' by Thomas Benjamin Kennington
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

Analysis of War Motives in the 17th Century
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.6 Balance of Power

Class Companion

Analyze the methods used by Louis XIV
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Class Companion

A People's Tragedy; Russian Rev SAQ (from 2019)
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Euro Hist CIA #2 Q1
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

AP European History
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

AP European History: Conservatism 1815-1871
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.1 Contextualizing 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

AP European History Document-Based Question (DBQ) Assignment
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

AP European History: The Agricultural Revolution
Multiple choice
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.3 Continuities and Changes to Economic Practice and Development

Class Companion

AP European History Unit 2: The Age of Reformation
Multiple choice
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.8 Causation in the Age of Reformation and the Wars of Religion

Class Companion

AP European History Unit 5: The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era
Multiple choice
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.9 Continuity and Change in the 18th-Century States

Class Companion

AP Euro - Unit 5 LEQ's
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.5 The French Revolution's Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: 18th-Century Demographics - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.4 18th-Century Society and Demographics

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: 1920s Economic Optimism & Culture
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.5 global Economic Crisis

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: 19th-Century Culture - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.8 19th-Century Culture and Arts

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: 19th-Century Political Change - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.9 Causation in 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: 19th-Century Political Development - Continuity and Change, Causation
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.1 Contextualizing 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: 19th C. Scientific Evolution
Multiple choice
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.5 The Age of Progress and Modernity

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: 20th-Century Global Conflict
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.1 Contextualizing 20th-Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Absolutism and Constitutionalism - Comparison
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.8 Comparison in the Age of Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Absolutism in Different Contexts - Contextualization
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.3 Continuities and Changes to Economic Practice and Development

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Analyzing the Gotha Program, 1875
Multiple choice
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.8 19th-Century Social Reform

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Art and Literature in the 18th Century - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.5 18th-Century Culture and Arts

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Art, Music, and Literature in the 20th Century - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.10 20th-Century Cultural, Intellectual, and Artistic Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Atomic Age: Reflections & Reactions
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.10 20th-Century Cultural, Intellectual, and Artistic Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Birth Control's Early 20th C. Impact
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.8 20th-Century Feminism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Bismarck's Blood and Iron Speech
Multiple choice
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Bismark on German Unification
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Boxer Rebellion
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.7 Imperialism's Global Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Boxer Rebellion's Siege Analyzed
Multiple choice
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.7 Imperialism's Global Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Boycotting the Soviet Olympics
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.3 The Cold War

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Britain's Ascendency and Its Impact - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.3 Britain's Ascendency

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: British India's Colonial Ethics
Multiple choice
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.2 The Rise of Global Markets

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Carving Up The New World
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.7 Rivals on the World Stage

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Catholic Response to the Reformation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.5 The Catholic Reformation

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation 1450 - 1815
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: 16th-Century Society and Politics
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.6 16th-Century Society and Politics

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation 1815 - Present
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: 18th-Century Society and Demographics
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.4 18th-Century Society and Demographics

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: 20th-Century Cultural, Intellectual, and Artistic Developments
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.10 20th-Century Cultural, Intellectual, and Artistic Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: 20th-Century Feminism
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.8 20th-Century Feminism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Balance of Power
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.6 Balance of Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Britain's Ascendency
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.3 Britain's Ascendency

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Causation in the Age of Reformation and the Wars of Religion
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.8 Causation in the Age of Reformation and the Wars of Religion

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Causation in the Renaissance and Age of Discovery
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.11 Causation in the Renaissance and Age of Discovery

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Contemporary Western Democracies
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.6 Contemporary Western Democracies

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Contextualizing 18th-Century States
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.1 Contextualizing 18th-Century States

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Contextualizing Industrialization and Its Origins and Effects
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.1 Contextualizing Industrialization and Its Origins and Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Darwinism, Social Darwinism
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.4 Darwinism, Social Darwinism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Decolonization
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.9 Decolonization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Economic Development and Mercantilism
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.4 Economic Development and Mercantilism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Globalization
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.13 Globalization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Luther and the Protestant Reformation
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Migration and Immigration
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.11 Migration and Immigration

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Napoleon's Rise, Dominance, and Defeat
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.6 Napoleon's Rise, Dominance, and Defeat

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Nationalism
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Northern Renaissance
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Postwar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Atrocities
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.5 Postwar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Atrocities

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Printing
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.4 Printing

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Rebuilding Europe
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.2 Rebuilding Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Rivals on the World Stage
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.7 Rivals on the World Stage

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.3 Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Catholic Reformation
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.5 The Catholic Reformation

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Concert of Europe and European Conservatism
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.5 The Concert of Europe and European Conservatism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Dutch Golden Age
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.5 The Dutch Golden Age

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Enlightenment
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.3 The Enlightenment

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The European Union
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.10 The European Union

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Fall of Communism
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.7 The Fall of Communism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The French Revolution
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The French Revolution's Effects
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.5 The French Revolution's Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Holocaust
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.9 The Holocaust

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Rise of Global Markets
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.2 The Rise of Global Markets

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Russian Revolution and Its Effects
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Scientific Revolution
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: The Slave Trade
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.9 The Slave Trade

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Versailles Conference and Peace Settlement
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.4 Versailles Conference and Peace Settlement

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: Wars of Religion
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: World War I
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Causation: World War II
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.8 World War II

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Cause and Effect of the Reformation - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.11 Causation in the Renaissance and Age of Discovery

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Challenge and Developments in the 16th and 17th Centuries - Contextualization
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.1 Contextualizing 16th- and 17th-Century Challenges and Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Change and Adaptation in Western Democracies
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.6 Contemporary Western Democracies

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Change: Ideologies of Change and Reform Movements
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.7 Ideologies of Change and Reform Movements

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Changes in the 16th Century - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.6 16th-Century Society and Politics

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Change: The Cold War
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.3 The Cold War

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Change: The Commercial Revolution
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.10 The Commercial Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Change: Two Super Powers Emerge
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.4 Two Super Powers Emerge

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Changing States in the 18th Century - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.1 Contextualizing 18th-Century States

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Charles De Gaulle Responds to Protest
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.14 20th- and 21st-Century Culture, Arts, and Demographic Trends

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Cloning Dolly the Sheep Breakthrough
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.12 Technology

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Columbian Exchange in Europe and Beyond - Contextualization
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Compare & Contrast Artistic & Intellectual Movements
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Compare & Contrast Economic Policies & Industrialization
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Compare & Contrast Nationalism & State Formation
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Compare & Contrast Political Ideologies & Regimes
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Compare & Contrast Religious Movements & Conflicts
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Compare & Contrast Scientific & Cultural Developments
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Compare & Contrast Social Hierarchies & Reforms
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Compare & Contrast Wars & Diplomatic Relations
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: 19th-Century Social Reform
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.8 19th-Century Social Reform

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Absolutist Approaches to Power
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Art of the 16th Century: Mannerism and Baroque Art
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.7 Art of the 16th Century: Mannerism and Baroque Art

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Enlightened and Other Approaches to Power
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.6 Enlightened and Other Approaches to Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Europe During the Interwar Period
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.7 Europe During the Interwar Period

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Fascism and Totalitarianism
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Imperialism's Global Effects
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.7 Imperialism's Global Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Italian Renaissance
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: New Monarchies
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.5 New Monarchies

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Protestant Reform Continues
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Reactions and Revolutions
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.6 Reactions and Revolutions

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Social Effects of Industrialization
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Technological Advances and the Age of Exploration
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.6 Technological Advances and the Age of Exploration

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Comparison: Technology
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.12 Technology

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Concordat of 1801
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.6 Napoleon's Rise, Dominance, and Defeat

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Conflict and Competition Overseas - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.7 Rivals on the World Stage

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Congress of Vienna's Europe
Multiple choice
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.7 The Congress of Vienna

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Constitution of 1791
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Contemporary Movements: Pegida
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.11 Migration and Immigration

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Context of the Cold War
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.1 Contextualizing Cold War and Contemporary Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Continuity: 20th- and 21st-Century Culture, Arts, and Demographic Trends
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.14 20th- and 21st-Century Culture, Arts, and Demographic Trends

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Continuity: Continuity and Change in an Age of Global Conflict
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.11 Continuity and Change in an Age of Global Conflict

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Contributing Factors to Britain's Ascendency - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.3 Britain's Ascendency

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Cromwell Dissolves the Rump Parliament
Multiple choice
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Cultural and Intellectual Changes in the 20th Century - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.10 20th-Century Cultural, Intellectual, and Artistic Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Darwin and Evolution
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.4 Darwinism, Social Darwinism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Darwin's Evolutionary Impact
Multiple choice
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.4 Darwinism, Social Darwinism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: DBQ French Revolution and Economic Conditions

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: DBQ Protestant Reformation and Indulgences

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: DBQ Rise of Nazism and Treaty of Versailles

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Decolonizing Africa and Asia - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.9 Decolonization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Development and Challenges to Rising Monarchies - Comparison
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.5 New Monarchies

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Dolly
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.12 Technology

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Dostoevsky
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.8 19th-Century Culture and Arts

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Dutch Independence
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.5 The Dutch Golden Age

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Effects of the Columbian Exchange
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Emergence and Spread of the Renaissance - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Enlightened Absolutism
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.6 Enlightened and Other Approaches to Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Enlightened Rulers
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.6 Enlightened and Other Approaches to Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Enlightenment & 18th C. Religion
Multiple choice
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.8 Romanticism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Erasmus on the Protestant Reform
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Europe After Napoleon
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.7 The Congress of Vienna

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: European Union
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.10 The European Union

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: European Witchcraft
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.6 16th-Century Society and Politics

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Exploration: Advances and Motivations - Comparison, Causation
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.6 Technological Advances and the Age of Exploration

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Factories Act of 1833 Implications
Multiple choice
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Fall of Communism - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.7 The Fall of Communism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Fascism and Totalitarianism
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Fascism and Totalitarianism - Comparison
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Feminism and Reform in the 20th Century
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.8 20th-Century Feminism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Frost Fairs and Environmental Change
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.10 The Commercial Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Gas and World War I
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: German Long-Range Rockets
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.8 World War II

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Global Effects of Imperialism - Causation, Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.7 Imperialism's Global Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Globalization - Causation, Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.13 Globalization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Gorbachev's Resignation
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.7 The Fall of Communism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Gorbachev's Resignation & USSR End
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.7 The Fall of Communism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Great Exhibition Reflection by Bronte
Multiple choice
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Guerrilla Warfare: Irish Perspective
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.5 Postwar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Atrocities

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Herzl and Zionism
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam's Declaration of Independence
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.9 Decolonization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Ho Chi Minh's Independence Declaration
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.9 Decolonization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Ideologies and Reform - Comparison
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.7 Ideologies of Change and Reform Movements

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Ideologies Behind Social Reform in the 19th Century - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.8 19th-Century Social Reform

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Impact and Remembrance of the Holocaust - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.9 The Holocaust

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Impact of Darwinism
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.4 Darwinism, Social Darwinism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Impact of the Printing Press - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.4 Printing

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Impact of the Protestant Reformation - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Impact on Agriculture - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.3 Continuities and Changes to Economic Practice and Development

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Impacts of the Northern Renaissance - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Impacts of the Slave Trade - Contextualization + Causation
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.9 The Slave Trade

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Industrialization - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.1 Contextualizing Industrialization and Its Origins and Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Institutional Reform in the 19th Century
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.9 Institutional Responses and Reform

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Interwar Period - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.7 Europe During the Interwar Period

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Irish Republican Army
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.5 Postwar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Atrocities

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Isaac Newton
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Italian Renaissance - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Italian Renaissance: Looking to the Past
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Child-Rearing
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.4 18th-Century Society and Demographics

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Kipling's "The White Man's Burden"
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Lenin's "For Bread and Peace"
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: London's Great Exhibition
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Louis XIV
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.6 Balance of Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Luther's 95 Theses
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Mannerism and Baroque Art
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.7 Art of the 16th Century: Mannerism and Baroque Art

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Margaret Sanger and Birth Control
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.8 20th-Century Feminism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Margaret Thatcher and Economic Reform
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.6 Contemporary Western Democracies

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Marshall Plan
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.2 Rebuilding Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Marshall Plan & Its Implications
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.2 Rebuilding Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Marx and Engel: Communist Manifesto
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.7 Ideologies of Change and Reform Movements

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Max Planck and Scientific Advancements
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.5 The Age of Progress and Modernity

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: May 1968 Crisis & De Gaulle's Speech
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.14 20th- and 21st-Century Culture, Arts, and Demographic Trends

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Migration and Immigration - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.11 Migration and Immigration

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Movements of the Protestant Reformation - Comparison
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Munich Agreement
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.7 Europe During the Interwar Period

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Munich Agreement & WWII Prelude
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.7 Europe During the Interwar Period

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Napoleon: Rise and Downfall - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.6 Napoleon's Rise, Dominance, and Defeat

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.5 Postwar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Atrocities

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Nazis and the "Final Solution"
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.9 The Holocaust

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: New Ideas About Government
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.3 The Enlightenment

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: New Ideas in the Northern Renaissance
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: New Imperialism
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: New Technologies in the Renaissance
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.4 Printing

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Oliver Cromwell
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.10 20th-Century Cultural, Intellectual, and Artistic Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Pegida and Far-Right German Movement
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.11 Migration and Immigration

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Peter the Great
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Peter the Great's Cultural Reforms
Multiple choice
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Politics in Western Democracies
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.6 Contemporary Western Democracies

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Prague Spring & Warsaw Pact Invasion
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.4 Two Super Powers Emerge

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Principle of the Balance of Power - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.6 Balance of Power

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Progress and Modernity - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.5 The Age of Progress and Modernity

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Prohibited Books and the Catholic Reformation
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.5 The Catholic Reformation

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Public Health
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.9 Institutional Responses and Reform

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Reasons for Exploration
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.6 Technological Advances and the Age of Exploration

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Rebuilding Europe After World War II - Comparison
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.2 Rebuilding Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Reflections on British Colonization of India
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.2 The Rise of Global Markets

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Resistance and Collective Memory of the Holocaust - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.9 The Holocaust

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Rise of Hitler
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Rise of Mercantilism - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.4 Economic Development and Mercantilism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Rise of Nationalism - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Romanticism
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.8 Romanticism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Romanticism and Methodism
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.8 Romanticism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Romanticism in 'White Nights'
Multiple choice
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.8 19th-Century Culture and Arts

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Rousseau on Enlightenment Education
Multiple choice
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.4 18th-Century Society and Demographics

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Russian Revolution - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment - Contextualization
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.1 Contextualizing the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Second Wave Industrialization
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.3 Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Second Wave Industrialization - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.3 Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Social Impact of Industrialization - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Social Impact of Industrialization - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Social Reform in the 19th Century - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.8 19th-Century Social Reform

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Social Roles in the 20th Century - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.11 Continuity and Change in an Age of Global Conflict

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Soviets Invade Czechoslovakia
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.4 Two Super Powers Emerge

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: State Building - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.1 Contextualizing State Building

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Technology in the 20th and 21st Century - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.12 Technology

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 1 (1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration)
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 2 (1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation)
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 3 (1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism)
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 4 (1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments)
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 5 (1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century)
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 6 (1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects)
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 7 (1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments)
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 8 (1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts)
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Terms and Concepts from Unit 9 (1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe)
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Thatcher's Economic Policies Impact
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.6 Contemporary Western Democracies

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Age of Industrialization - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.10 Causation in the Age of Industrialization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Coffeehouse
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.5 18th-Century Culture and Arts

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Cold War - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.3 The Cold War

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Commercial Revolution - Continuity and Change
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.10 The Commercial Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Concert of Europe
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.5 The Concert of Europe and European Conservatism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Congress of Vienna - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.7 The Congress of Vienna

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Congress of Vienna - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.7 The Congress of Vienna

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Dutch Golden Age
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.5 The Dutch Golden Age

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The English Civil War - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Enlightenment - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.3 The Enlightenment

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The French Constitution of 1791
Multiple choice
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The French Revolution and Europe
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.5 The French Revolution's Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The French Revolution - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The French Revolution Unfolds
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The German Social Democratic Party
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.8 19th-Century Social Reform

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Global Market
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.2 The Rise of Global Markets

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Global Market - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.2 The Rise of Global Markets

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Theodore Herzl & Zionism Origins
Multiple choice
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Prince: Secular Theories of Ruling
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.5 New Monarchies

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Scientific Revolution - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Scientific Revolution - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.7 Causation in the Age of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Scientific Revolution Explored
Multiple choice
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Thesis Practice
Short answer

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Slave Trade
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.4 Economic Development and Mercantilism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Slave Trade
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.9 The Slave Trade

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Spread of Industrialization - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: The Treaty of Versailles
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.4 Versailles Conference and Peace Settlement

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: 'The White Man's Burden' Ideology
Multiple choice
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Tim Berners-Lee & Digital Age Dawn
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.13 Globalization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Totalitarianism in the Third Reich
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Toussaint L'Ouverture
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.5 The French Revolution's Effects

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Treaty of Paris
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.3 Britain's Ascendency

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Treaty of Paris, 1763 Explained
Multiple choice
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.3 Britain's Ascendency

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Treaty of the European Union
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.10 The European Union

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Treaty of the European Union
Multiple choice
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.10 The European Union

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Treaty of Versailles - Causation, Contextualization
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.4 Versailles Conference and Peace Settlement

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Treaty of Versailles & League of Nations
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.4 Versailles Conference and Peace Settlement

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Treaty of Westphalia
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Tsar Alexander and Abolition of Serfdom
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.6 Reactions and Revolutions

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Understanding the Concordat of 1801
Multiple choice
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.6 Napoleon's Rise, Dominance, and Defeat

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Unification in Italy and Germany
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Uprisings and Revolutions - Comparison
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.6 Reactions and Revolutions

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: US and Soviet Union - Comparison
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.4 Two Super Powers Emerge

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: US and Soviet Union: Expanding Global Power
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.4 Two Super Powers Emerge

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: von Metternich and Concert of Europe
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.5 The Concert of Europe and European Conservatism

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Wannsee Protocol & Final Solution
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.9 The Holocaust

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Wars of Religion - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.8 Causation in the Age of Reformation and the Wars of Religion

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Wars of Religion - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Women in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.14 20th- and 21st-Century Culture, Arts, and Demographic Trends

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: Work Reform in England
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: World War I - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: World War I - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: World War II - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.8 World War II

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: World Wide Web
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.13 Globalization

Class Companion

AP Success - AP European History: WWII German Rocketry Intelligence
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.8 World War II

Class Companion

Attitudes Toward Women WWI-Cold War LEQ
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

Attitude Toward Leadership in France DBQ
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.5 The French Revolution's Effects

Class Companion

Attitude Towards Women Ref-Enlightenment LEQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation

Class Companion

Average Age of Death Rural vs Urban
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

Battle of Verdun Passage
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Birth of Venus
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

British Imperial Rule in India DBQ (from 2021 FRQs)

Class Companion

Burke Renaissance Analysis SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

Burke's Ideas and the Information in Chapter 11
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

Catholic Church and Science- Unit 4 DBQ
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments

Class Companion

Causation of English Civil War
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

Causation: World War I
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Causes of Industrialization in Britain
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

Causes of Tension in 19th C. Europe
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.9 Causation in 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

Causes of the French Revolution
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

Causes of the French Revolution Thesis
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

C Block DBQ
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

Ch 20 McKay Industrialization SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.10 Causation in the Age of Industrialization

Class Companion

Ch 24 SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.7 Imperialism's Global Effects

Class Companion

Chapter 2
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

Christmas Carol Thesis Help
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.3 Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Cold War SAQ 3
Short answer

Class Companion

Columbian Exchange
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

Comparing Communism and Capitalism in 19th Century Europe
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.3 Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Comparing Diplomatic and Political Consequences of WWI with those of WWII
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

Comparing Northern and Italian Renaissance
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

Comparing Protestants
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

Comparison: Fascism and Totalitarianism
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

Comparison of Louis XIV and Peter the Great's Goals and Policies
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Class Companion

Contextualizing Unit 4: Based on AMSCO reading
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.1 Contextualizing the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

Class Companion

Continuities/Changes in attitudes toward Nationalism and Nation-State LEQ

Class Companion

Counter or Catholic Reformation
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.5 The Catholic Reformation

Class Companion

Cultural Effects of WWI LEQ (from 2021 FRQs)

Class Companion

Daily Life SAQ 4
Short answer

Class Companion

DBQ - Russian Economic Modernization in the 19th Century
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.3 Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

DBQ: The Industrial Revolution's Transformation of European Society

Class Companion

Debates Over Italian National Identity and Unification, 1830–1870
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

Decolonization SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.9 Decolonization

Class Companion

Development of Absolutism LEQ
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Class Companion

Dutch Wars of Religion Short Answer Practice
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Economic and Political Changes and Continuities in the 17th & 18th Centuries
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.5 The Dutch Golden Age

Class Companion

Economic Development in 1800s Europe: A Comparative Analysis
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Effects of the Growth of Commercial Economy in Europe (1450-1600)
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

Effects of the Growth of Manchester DBQ
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

Emmeline Pankhurst
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.8 19th-Century Social Reform

Class Companion

English Civil War LEQ Practice
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

English Glorious Revolution
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

English Reformation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

English Reformation Short Answer Practice
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

Enlightened Absolutism, English Bill of Rights, and the Congress of Vienna
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.3 The Enlightenment

Class Companion

Enlightened Absolutism in Eastern Europe and Russia
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.6 Enlightened and Other Approaches to Power

Class Companion

Enlightenment LEQ (from 2021 FRQs)

Class Companion

Enlightenment & Scientific Rev in France SAQ
Short answer

Class Companion

Enlightenment/Sci Rev in France SAQ (from 2021 FRQs)
Short answer

Class Companion

Enlightenment Thought Applied
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.3 The Enlightenment

Class Companion

Erasmus SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

Essay on the Reform Efforts of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Class Companion

Europe and The World after 1945 SAQ (from 2022 FRQs)
Short answer

Class Companion

European History Essay Assignment
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

European Imperialism
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

European Overseas Trade: Changes, Continuities, and Economic Impact (1500-1800)
Short answer

Class Companion

eval significant differences in econ dev between Eastern and Western Euro 1800s

Class Companion

Evaluating the Relationship between Romanticism and the Enlightenment
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century

Class Companion

Exploration SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

Exploration Short Answer Practice
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

Fall of Communism
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.7 The Fall of Communism

Class Companion

Favorite Technology
Short answer
-engineering quick writes

Class Companion

First and Second Age of Colonialism
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

France's Workforce SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.4 18th-Century Society and Demographics

Class Companion

French Absolutism
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

French Rev DBQ Thesis
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

French Revolution
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

French Revolution and the Reign of Terror
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

French Revolution Causation
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

French Revolution DBQ
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

French Rev SAQ (from 2019)
Short answer

Class Companion

French Rev SAQ (from 2021 FRQs)
Short answer

Class Companion

French Wars of Religion Short Answer Practice
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Gas and World War I
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

German Industrialization Practice SAQ's
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

German Nationalism Paper 2: Part A
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

German Peasant Revolt DBQ
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation

Class Companion

Gina M Snider
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.1 Contextualizing State Building

Class Companion

Growth of Commercial Economy
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.10 The Commercial Revolution

Class Companion

Headrick Technology and Imperialism Secondary SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

Historical Analysis of the Peace of Westphalia
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

How does Globalization affect You?
Short answer

Class Companion

How is the 14th Century like this Big Mac?
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration

Class Companion

Ideologies Behind Social Reform in the 19th Century - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.8 19th-Century Social Reform

Class Companion

Impact of Bubonic Plague: Historian's Perspective
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration

Class Companion

Imperialism SAQ
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

Industrialization Across Europe
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

Industrialization and Its Impact on Britain's Population in the 19th Century
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

Industrialization in Continental Europe
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

Industrial Revolution
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

Industrial Workers DBQ
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

Interpreting the Impact of the First World War in European History
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Interwar Years
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.7 Europe During the Interwar Period

Class Companion

Italian Unification
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

Joan of Arc Image Analysis (Joan at the coronation of Charles VII, by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in 1854 (Location Louvre Museum Paris, France)
Short answer
Pre-1450 AP Euro

Class Companion

Joseph Stalin and Terror Famine
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Journal of Christopher Columbus
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

Kennan and Novikov Foretell the Cold War
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.4 Two Super Powers Emerge

Class Companion

Kepler Scientific Revolution
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

Kipling Short Answer
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

Lenin and Stalin
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Lenin and Stalin Body Paragraph Practice for LEQ
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Lenin and Stalin LEQ Practice
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Leong SAQ 1
Short answer

Class Companion

Short answer
-1650 - 1800: Life in the Era of Expansion

Class Companion

-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe

Class Companion

LEQ - Causation - Enclosure and Industrialization
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.10 Causation in the Age of Industrialization

Class Companion

LEQ: Causes of the Industrial Revolution
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.10 Causation in the Age of Industrialization

Class Companion

LEQ-Final (40 min)
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.7 Europe During the Interwar Period

Class Companion

LEQ Option 1 - Compare interact w. Colonies 1500-1650 to 1815-1914
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

Long Essay Question: Impact of Printing on European Culture and Religion (1450-1600)
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.4 Printing

Class Companion

Louis XIV
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.7 Absolutist Approaches to Power

Class Companion

Luther's Rebellion
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

Machiavelli SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

Manchester DBQ
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.1 Contextualizing Industrialization and Its Origins and Effects

Class Companion

Mazzini - Italian Nationalism
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

Mechanize the Donbas
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

Mock Exam 17 DBQ Withrow

Class Companion

Mock Exam 17 LEQ 1

Class Companion

Mock Exam 17 LEQ 2

Class Companion

Mock Exam 17 LEQ 3

Class Companion

Mock Exam 17 SAQ 1 - Withrow
Short answer

Class Companion

Mock Exam 17 SAQ 2 - Withrow
Short answer

Class Companion

Mock Exam 17 SAQ 3 - Withrow
Short answer

Class Companion

Mock Exam 17 SAQ 4 - Withrow
Short answer

Class Companion

Monarch's Power in the 17th Century
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Class Companion

Motivations of the Leaders in the 16th Century Protestant Reformation
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

Motives for Exploration
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.6 Technological Advances and the Age of Exploration

Class Companion

Motives for Exploration Thesis
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.8 Colonial Expansion and Columbian Exchange

Class Companion

Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Revolution
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.6 Napoleon's Rise, Dominance, and Defeat

Class Companion

Napoleon Trial Thesis Practice
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.6 Napoleon's Rise, Dominance, and Defeat

Class Companion

National and Cultural Identity in Alsace-Lorraine: 1870-1919
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

Nationalism DBQ
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

New Imperialism (DBQ)
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

New Imperialism SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

Otto von Bismarck's Conservatism 2016 DBQ
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

Paper 2: Part B - Prussia's Role in the Franco-Prussian War
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

Parliamentary Reforms During Industrialization in England
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

Perspectives on Commerce and Prosperity in 17th Century Amsterdam
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.5 The Dutch Golden Age

Class Companion

Political Effects of Reformation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.6 16th-Century Society and Politics

Class Companion

Practice Test DBQ (required)

Class Companion

Practice Test LEQ Option 1 (pick only one LEQ)

Class Companion

Practice Test LEQ Option 2 (pick only one LEQ)

Class Companion

Practice Test MCQs (required)
Multiple choice

Class Companion

Practice Thesis
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

Practice Wars of Religion Thesis- France and Netherlands
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Printing Press and Renaissance Learning impact Reformation
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

Printing Press LEQ (from 2021 FRQs)

Class Companion

Printing Press Open Ended Response
Short answer
Unit 2Printing Press

Class Companion

Printing Press SAQ
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.4 Printing

Class Companion

Printing Press SAQ (1.4)
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.4 Printing

Class Companion

Progress and Modernity - Causation
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.5 The Age of Progress and Modernity

Class Companion

Queen Elizabeth I and Gender
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Radical Phase- Sans Culotte Thesis
Short answer
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

Short answer

Class Companion

Railroads in the 1800s SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

Reformation (Primary Source SAQ)
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Reformation SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

Reformation Short Answer Practice
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.2 Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Class Companion

Religious life in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation

Class Companion

Rembrandt Night Watch
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

Renaissance Art LEQ Attempt
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

Renaissance Art SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

Renaissance Marriage Negotiations
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

Renaissance SAQ
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

Renaissance Short Answer Practice
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

Renaissance Smackdown: Burckhardt vs Burke
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

Romanticism - SAQ
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Short answer

Class Companion

Russian Revolution SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Russian Rev Religion and Violence DBQ
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Russian Rev. Violence and Religion DBQ
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.6 Technological Advances and the Age of Exploration

Class Companion

SAQ- Otto von Bismarck
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

SAQ Practice
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

SAQ – The English Civil War
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments

Class Companion

Scientific Revolution DBQ
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.7 Causation in the Age of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

Class Companion

Scientific Revolution DBQ AMSCO Text Pages 270-273
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

Scientific Revolution Short Answer
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

SciRev/Enlightenment LEQ
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments

Class Companion

Similarities between French Rev and Revs of 1848 (from 2022 FRQs)

Class Companion

Sofonisba Anguissola, Italian painter, Self-portrait at the Easel, 1556
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

Spread of Reformation SAQ
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.3 Protestant Reform Continues

Class Companion

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre stimulus based SAQ
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

The Causes of World War I: Analyzing MAINE Factors
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.9 Causation in 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

The English Civil War and Glorious Revolution
Short answer
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

The French Revolution SAQ
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

The Impact of Market Economy on 17th and 18th Century Europeans
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.4 Economic Development and Mercantilism

Class Companion

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on British Working-Class Citizens
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

The Prince
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

The Renaissance and the Age of Exploration
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration

Class Companion

The Road to a Single European Currency: Economic and Political Influences of the 1980s
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.3 Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, c. 1572.
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Thesis Development
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments

Class Companion

The Stuarts
Short answer
-Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.2 The English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution

Class Companion

The Thatcher Revolution: Neoliberalism and its Impact on the UK
Short answer

Class Companion

The Travels of Marco Polo (c.1300)
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

Thirty Years' War DBQ Introduction
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Thirty Years War Practice Short Answer
Short answer
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Thirty Years' War SAQ
Short answer
-Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation2.4 Wars of Religion

Class Companion

Topic 6.5: The Concert of Europe and European Conservatism
Multiple choice
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.5 The Concert of Europe and European Conservatism

Class Companion

Topic 6.6: Reactions and Revolutions
Multiple choice
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.6 Reactions and Revolutions

Class Companion

Topic 6.7: Ideologies of Change and Reform Movements
Multiple choice
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.7 Ideologies of Change and Reform Movements

Class Companion

Topic 6.9 Institutional Responses and Reform
Multiple choice
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.9 Institutional Responses and Reform

Class Companion

Topic 7.2: Nationalism
Multiple choice
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

Topic 7.3: National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions
Multiple choice
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

Topic 7.3: The Crimean War
Multiple choice
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

Topic 7.4 & 7.5: The Age of Progress
Multiple choice
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.5 The Age of Progress and Modernity

Class Companion

Topic 7.6: New Imperialism
Multiple choice
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

Topic 7.7: Imperialism's Global Effects
Multiple choice
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.7 Imperialism's Global Effects

Class Companion

Topic 7.8: 19th-Century Culture and Arts
Multiple choice
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.8 19th-Century Culture and Arts

Class Companion

Totalitarian Governments in Europe during the 1930s
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

Understanding Bismarck's Metaphor on the Precursor to World War I
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Understanding Credit: Scenarios of Good and Bad Credit Use
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

Understanding Emma Lazarus and 'The New Colossus'
Short answer
Unit 3

Class Companion

Understanding the 1968 Student Revolts in Europe
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.6 Contemporary Western Democracies

Class Companion

Understanding the Causes and Impacts of World War I
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Understanding the Causes of World War I
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Understanding the Karlsbad Decrees
Short answer

Class Companion

Unification in Italy and Germany
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

Unit 1 Short Answer Practice
Short answer
-Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

Unit 1 Topic 1.1: Understanding the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery
Multiple choice
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.1 Contextualizing Renaissance and Discovery

Class Companion

Unit 1 Topic 1.2: The Italian Renaissance
Multiple choice
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

Unit 1 Topic 1.3: The Northern Renaissance
Multiple choice
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.3 Northern Renaissance

Class Companion

Unit 1. Topic 1.4: The Printing Press
Multiple choice

Class Companion

Unit 1 Topic 1.5 New Monarchies
Multiple choice

Class Companion

Unit 1 Topics 1 through 5 Short Answer Responses
Short answer

Class Companion

Unit 2 Test AP Euro AMSCO DBQ - Withrow
Unit 2: 1450 - 1648, Age of Reformation

Class Companion

Unit 3 DBQ Commercial and Economic Development
Unit 3: 1648 - 1815, Absolutism and Constitutionalism3.4 Economic Development and Mercantilism

Class Companion

Unit 3 Scientific Revolution LEQ
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.2 The Scientific Revolution

Class Companion

Unit 4 AP Europe DBQ Withrow
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments

Class Companion

Unit 4 Test SAQs
Short answer
Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments

Class Companion

Unit 5 LEQ 1
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.1 Contextualizing 18th-Century States

Class Companion

Unit 5 LEQ 2
-Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.6 Napoleon's Rise, Dominance, and Defeat

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe LEQ 1
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe LEQ 2
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe LEQ 3
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe LEQ 4
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe SAQ 6.3 - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.3 Second Wave Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe SAQ 6.4 - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.4 Social Effects of Industrialization

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe SAQ 6.5 - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.5 The Concert of Europe and European Conservatism

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe SAQ 6.6 - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.6 Reactions and Revolutions

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe SAQ 6.7 - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.7 Ideologies of Change and Reform Movements

Class Companion

Unit 6 AMSCO AP Europe SAQ 6.9 - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.9 Institutional Responses and Reform

Class Companion

UNIT 6 AMSCO SAQ 1 - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.2 The Spread of Industry Throughout Europe

Class Companion

Unit 6: Industrialization (Part 1)
Multiple choice
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.1 Contextualizing Industrialization and Its Origins and Effects

Class Companion

Unit 6 SAQ 3
Short answer
-Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects

Class Companion

UNIT 7 DBQ AMSCO Essay Extravaganza
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

UNIT 7 LEQ 1 AMSCO Essay Extravaganza
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

UNIT 7 LEQ 2 AMSCO Essay Extravaganza
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

UNIT 7 LEQ 3 AMSCO Essay Extravaganza
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

UNIT 7 LEQ 4 AMSCO Essay Extravaganza
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments

Class Companion

Unit 7 SAQ 7.2 AMSCO AP European History
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.2 Nationalism

Class Companion

Unit 7 SAQ 7.3 AMSCO AP European History
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.3 National Unification and Diplomatic Tensions

Class Companion

Unit 7 SAQ 7.4 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.4 Darwinism, Social Darwinism

Class Companion

UNIT 7 SAQ 7.5 AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.5 The Age of Progress and Modernity

Class Companion

UNIT 7 SAQ 7.6 AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.6 New Imperialism: Motivations and Methods

Class Companion

UNIT 7 SAQ 7.7 AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.7 Imperialism's Global Effects

Class Companion

UNIT 7 SAQ 7.8 AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 7: 1815 - 1914, 19th Century Perspectives and Political Developments7.8 19th-Century Culture and Arts

Class Companion

Unit 8 AMSCO LEQ 1 AP European History - Withrow
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

Unit 8 AMSCO LEQ 2 AP European History - Withrow
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

UNIT 8 AMSCO LEQ 3 AP European History - Withrow
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

Unit 8 - AP European History: 1920s Economic Optimism & Culture - Withrow
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.5 global Economic Crisis

Class Companion

Unit 8 - AP Euro: Wannsee Protocol & Final Solution - Withrow
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.9 The Holocaust

Class Companion

Unit 8 - AP Euro: WWII German Rocketry Intelligence - Withrow
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.8 World War II

Class Companion

Unit 8 - AP Success - AP Euro Atomic Age: Reflections & Reactions - Withrow
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.10 20th-Century Cultural, Intellectual, and Artistic Developments

Class Companion

Unit 8 - AP Success - AP Euro: Munich Agreement & WWII Prelude - Withrow
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.7 Europe During the Interwar Period

Class Companion

Unit 8 DBQ AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

unit 8 practice leq
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.10
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.10 20th-Century Cultural, Intellectual, and Artistic Developments

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.2 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.3 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.3 The Russian Revolution and Its Effects

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.4 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.4 Versailles Conference and Peace Settlement

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.5 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.5 global Economic Crisis

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.6 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.6 Fascism and Totalitarianism

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.7 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.7 Europe During the Interwar Period

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.8 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.8 World War II

Class Companion

Unit 8 SAQ 8.9 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.9 The Holocaust

Class Companion

Unit 9 DBQ AMSCO European History - Withrow
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe

Class Companion

Unit 9 Exam - LEQ
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.7 The Fall of Communism

Class Companion

Unit 9 LEQ 1 AMSCO European History - Withrow
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe

Class Companion

Unit 9 LEQ 2 AMSCO European History - Withrow
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.10 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.10 The European Union

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.11 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.11 Migration and Immigration

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.12 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.12 Technology

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.13 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.13 Globalization

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.14 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.14 20th- and 21st-Century Culture, Arts, and Demographic Trends

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.2 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.2 Rebuilding Europe

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.3 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.3 The Cold War

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.4 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.4 Two Super Powers Emerge

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.5 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.5 Postwar Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Atrocities

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.6 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.6 Contemporary Western Democracies

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.7 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.7 The Fall of Communism

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.8 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.8 20th-Century Feminism

Class Companion

Unit 9 SAQ 9.9 AMSCO AP European History - Withrow
Short answer
-Unit 9: 1914 - Present, Cold War and Contemporary Europe9.9 Decolonization

Class Companion

von Metternich and Concert of Europe
Short answer
Unit 6: 1815 - 1914, Industrialization and Its Effects6.5 The Concert of Europe and European Conservatism

Class Companion

What is the Third Estate? (one part SAQ)
Short answer
Unit 5: 1648 - 1815, Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century5.4 The French Revolution

Class Companion

Withrow - AP Euro: Treaty of Versailles & League of Nations - Withrow
Multiple choice
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.4 Versailles Conference and Peace Settlement

Class Companion

Women During WWI Full DBQ
Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Women in WWI Complex Thesis
Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Women's Role and Status during the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
Short answer
-Unit 4: 1648 - 1815, Scientific, Philosophical, Political Developments4.4 18th-Century Society and Demographics

Class Companion

Women's Roles in the Renaissance
Short answer
Unit 1: 1450 - 1648, Renaissance and Exploration1.2 Italian Renaissance

Class Companion

World War I Effects
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Short answer
-Unit 8: 1914 - Present, 20th Century Global Conflicts8.2 World War I

Class Companion

Assignments From Other Subjects