AP Success - AP European History: Toussaint L'Ouverture

This excerpt is from the Final Proclamation of Toussaint L'Ouverture, a leader in the Haitian Revolution, in 1801. At this time, Haiti was a French colony, and L'Ouverture was trying to maintain order and stability while also advocating for the rights of the colony's black population.
I have learned that there are malicious ones in your midst – among whom one was just arrested – who, loving only disorder, provoke the disunity of citizens and the disorganization of the current state of affairs; who, jealous of all I’ve done for the prosperity of this colony seem to desire nothing else than seeing French blood flow.

Since the news of the peace between France and England, which cannot be considered certain as long as the government doesn’t announce it to me officially, these malicious ones spread the rumor that France will be coming with thousands of men to annihilate the colony and freedom. Are they not ashamed to say before officers and soldiers who, since the beginning of the Revolution, have shed their blood for the triumph of liberty and the prosperity of this island that France will reduce them, will again plunge these soldiers into slavery and destroy the officers? How can they maintain such language? Do they think that France for no reason wants to destroy its children of Saint-Domingue who, victors over all their enemies – internal as well as external – have preserved this colony for it and, by wresting it from the hands of anarchy, have made it flourish; that they will pay with ingratitude men who have never ceased deserving well of it?
Final Proclamation of Toussaint L'Ouverture, 1801

Question 1

Short answer
Identify one perspective about France expressed in the excerpt. 

Question 2

Short answer
Explain one way the ideals of the French Revolution influenced the excerpt's author.

Question 3

Short answer
Explain one way the leadership of L'Ouverture impacted Saint-Domingue's status as a French colony.

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