17th C. Economics (Primary Source) - Contextualization & Causation
The prodigious increase of the Netherlanders in their domestic(k) and foreign Trade, Riches, and multitude of Shipping, is the envy of the present, and may be the wonder of all future Generations: And yet the means whereby they have thus advanced themselves, are sufficiently obvious, and in a great measure imitable by most other Nations, but more easily by us of this Kingdom of England, which I shall endeavour to demonstrate in the following discourse. Some of the said means by which they have advanced their Trade, and thereby improved their Estates, are these following: First, They have in their greatest Councils of State and War, trading Merchants that have lived abroad in most parts of the World; who have not onely the Theoretical Knowledge, but the Practical Experience of Trade, by whom Laws and Orders are contrived, and Peaces with foreign Princes projected, to the great advantage of their Trade. ……. Fourthly, Their giving great encouragement and immunities to the Inventors of New Manufactures, and the Discoverers of any New Mysteries in Trade, and to those that shall bring the Commodities of other Nations first in use and practice amongst them; for which the Author never goes without his due Reward allowed him at the Publique Charge. ……. Ninethly, The careful providing for, and employment of their Poor; which is easie to demonstrate can never be done in England comparatively to what it is with them, while it's left to the care of every Parish to look after their own onely. Tenthly, Their use of BANKS, which are of so immence advantage to them, that some not without good grounds have estimated the profit of them to the Public(k) to amount to at least one million of pounds sterling per annum.
Question 1
Short answer
Describe the main argument the author makes in this passage.
Question 2
Short answer
Identify ONE economic development that contextualizes the statements made in the source above.
Question 3
Short answer
Provide ONE consequence related to EITHER the Dutch or the English as a result of the economic devlopemnts outlined above.
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