Affordable plans for schools and districts

Use the product for free as a teacher or unlock the next level with a school or district partnership.


Instant AI Feedback
Student Progress Insights
Public Content Library
In-app chat
FERPA Compliant

Everything in Teacher, plus:

LMS Integration
Detect AI / Plagiarism
Private Content Library
Class/School Progress Insights
PD & usage analytics
District DPA & SSO

Everything in School, plus:

Standards Alignment
Custom Individual Learning Plans
Dedicated support

Plan Comparison

Instant AI Feedback

Instantly receive a score and feedback on any written assignment.

Student Progress Insights

AI-generated analytics to gain insights on student progress.

Public Content Library

1,000+ assignments and rubrics built by Class Companion and teachers

Private Content Library

Share assignments and rubrics with your school and district

Class/School Progress Insights

School admin dashboard with teacher usage and insights

LMS Integration

Sync classes, students, assignments, and grades with your LMS

Detect AI / Plagiarism

Detect AI-generated text or plagiarism in written responses

Standards Alignment

Standards-aligned rubrics, assignments, and data

Custom Individual Learning Plans

Create custom individual learning plans for your students

PD & Dedicated Support

Support, training, feature requests, and more!

In-app chat
PD & usage analytics
Dedicated support

Data privacy, compliance, agreements, etc.


Increase in test scores


Time saved per week


Increase in formative assessment

Bring Class Companion to your school

Join over 10,000 schools using Class Companion.

Teacher voices

Hear from actual teachers who've been using Class Companion semester after semester.

“Most of my students who used Class Companion scored in the A-B range. Students who didn’t use it scored in the C-D range. I would never give students multiple attempts before, just check for completion. Now it gives them an opportunity to improve.”
Shane Wichers
Nooksack Valley High School, WA
“After the very first time my students used it, they were like, that was amazing… The kids who are using it are doing great. They’ve grown so much and are doing so much better on their unit exams and assignments.”
Candace Baker
Minooka Community High School, IL
“Last week, my students were doing an assignment on paper and they asked, why aren't we using Class Companion?”
Tom Richey
Crescent High School, SC
“When I make Class Companion assignments just for practice, there’s less cheating.”
Gil Rotblum
Brea Olinda High School, CA
“I’ve seen growth in my students. I’ve also seen a lot of investment where students take time to read the feedback and ask me about what the feedback means. It helps to open up the conversation between student and teacher.”
Julissa Bohannon
IDEA College Prep, TX
“I've tried a variety of AI tools in my classroom, and Class Companion really stands out to me as something that can be transformative to my practice as a teacher.”
Steve Franklin
Hallsville High School, TX