AI tutoring, instant feedback and scoring, and built-in content enables your students to practice early and often. Insights help you track growth and target support.
Sign up for freeGenerate a unique, relevant assignment with AI in seconds, upload your favorites, or use built-in content.
Students receive instant feedback and/or scores, and an AI tutor to help and encourage them.
Gain insights about your students’ strengths, areas for growth, academic integrity, and engagement.
Your students will ask you to use Class Companion again. They love it because it provides a safe space to ask questions, be vulnerable, and build confidence.
With Class Companion’s built-in content and instant feedback and scoring, you can give students frequent practice without feeling overburdened or compromising quality.
You can customize the AI-powered tutor so that students seek and receive 1:1 guidance as if you were beside them when they practice in class or at home.
Instant scoring plus insights means you and students study smartly, honing in on areas for growth while celebrating strengths.
Hear from teachers who've been using Class Companion semester after semester.
say confidence increased
say learning increased
say grades increased
Class Companion complies with FERPA, COPPA, and state data privacy laws. We are a Student Privacy Pledge signatory.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Class Companion supports a wide variety of subjects and grades, but this demo offers a more limited selection.