
Last Updated: 29th February, 2024

To support delivery of our Services, Class Companion Inc. (or one of its Affiliates listed below) may engage and use data processors with access to certain Customer Data (each, a “Subprocessor”). This page provides important information about the identity, location and role of each Subprocessor.

Third Parties

Class Companion currently uses third party Subprocessors to provide infrastructure services, and to help us provide customer support and email notifications. Prior to engaging any third party Subprocessor, Class Companion performs diligence to evaluate their privacy, security and confidentiality practices, and executes an agreement implementing its applicable obligations.

Infrastructure Subprocessors

Class Companion may use the following Subprocessors to host Customer Data or provide other infrastructure that helps with delivery of our Services:

  • Render Inc. - Cloud Service Provider - United States
  • Amazon Web Services, Inc. - Cloud Service Provider - United States

Other Subprocessors

Class Companion may use the following Subprocessors to perform other Service functions:

  • Atlas Support, Inc. - Cloud-based Customer Support Services - United States
  • SendGrid, Inc. - Cloud-based Email Notification Services - United States
  • Datadog, Inc. - Cloud-based Monitoring Provider - United States
  • OpenAI, Inc. - Cloud-based Large Language Model Services - United States


As our business grows and evolves, the Subprocessors we engage may also change. We will endeavor to provide the owner of Customer’s account with notice of any new Subprocessors to the extent required under the Agreement, along with posting such updates here. Please check back frequently for updates.