AP Success - AP European History: The German Social Democratic Party

The Gotha Program of 1875 was a political manifesto that served as the founding document of the Social Democratic Party of Germany.
The Socialist Labor party of Germany demands as a step to the solution of the social question the erection, with the help of the state, of socialistic productive establishments under the democratic control of the laboring people. These productive establishments are to place industry and agriculture in such relations that out of them the socialist organization of the whole may arise.
The Socialist Labor party of Germany demands as the foundation of the state:
Universal, equal and direct suffrage, with secret, obligatory voting by all citizens at all elections in state or community.
Direct legislation by the people. Decision as to peace or war by the people.
Common right to bear arms. Militia instead of the standing army.
Abolition of all laws of exception, especially all laws restricting the freedom of the press, of association and assemblage; above all, all laws restricting the freedom of public opinion, thought and investigation.
Legal judgment through the people. Free administration of law.
Universal and equal popular education by the state. Universal compulsory education. Free instruction in all forms of art. Declaration that religion is a private matter.
The Gotha Program, 1875

Question 1

Short answer
Identify one perspective about political rights described in the excerpt.

Question 2

Short answer
Identify one way the ideas in the excerpt were a response to industrialization. 

Question 3

Short answer
Explain one way the ideas in the Gotha Program were challenged by the German imperial government from 1875 to 1914.

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