AP Success - AP European History: Tim Berners-Lee & Digital Age Dawn

"We should work toward a universal linked information system, in which generality and portability are more important than fancy graphics techniques and complex extra facilities. The aim would be to allow a place to be found for any information or reference which one felt was important, and a way of finding it afterwards. The result should be sufficiently attractive to use that it the information contained would grow past a critical threshold, so that the usefulness the scheme would in turn encourage its increased use. The passing of this threshold accelerated by allowing large existing databases to be linked together and with new ones."
Tim Berners-Lee, "Information Management: A Proposal," March 1989

Question 1

Multiple choice
According to Tim Berners-Lee's proposal, what was the primary goal for the universal linked information system?
  • To develop the most advanced graphics techniques for information systems.

  • To create a system where any important information or reference could be found and linked.

  • To replace all existing databases with a single, centralized information system.

  • To prioritize the development of complex extra facilities over general accessibility.

Question 2

Multiple choice
What does Tim Berners-Lee suggest would be a consequence of the information system becoming sufficiently attractive to use?
  • Fancy graphics and complex facilities would become a necessity.

  • The system would become too complex for the average user to navigate.

  • The system would discourage the linking of large existing databases.

  • The information contained would grow past a critical threshold, enhancing the system's usefulness.

Question 3

Multiple choice
What aspect of the proposed information system does Tim Berners-Lee emphasize as more important than aesthetics?
  • The speed at which information can be deleted.

  • The exclusivity of access to the system.

  • Generality and portability of the system.

  • The complexity of the user interface.

Question 4

Multiple choice
How does Tim Berners-Lee propose to accelerate the passing of the 'critical threshold' for the information system's usefulness?
  • By focusing solely on the development of new databases and ignoring existing ones.

  • By linking large existing databases with new ones.

  • By limiting the system's use to academic and research institutions only.

  • By imposing strict regulations on the type of information that can be added.

Question 5

Multiple choice
What can be inferred about Tim Berners-Lee's vision for the information system in terms of user engagement?
  • He predicted that the system would become less useful as more people began to use it.

  • He was concerned that too much user engagement would overwhelm the system's capabilities.

  • He believed that increasing the system's usefulness would encourage its increased use.

  • He assumed that only expert users would be able to understand and use the system effectively.

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