7.4 FRQ Practice

After reading the passage, use your knowledge of U.S Government and Politics to respond to parts A, B, and C.
Academic institutions and individual investigators often receive research funding from multiple federal agencies, but approaches to similar requirements-such as grant proposals, disclosure of financial conflict of interest, and animal care-are not harmonized across agencies. Regulations, reporting requirements and congressional mandates frequently overlap, resulting in duplication of effort, multiple reporting of the same information in different formats, and multiple submissions of information on different schedules. Conflicting guidance on compliance requirements has created uncertainty and confusion.
Inconsistent, Duplicative Regulations Undercut Productivity of U.S Research Enterprise; Actions Needed to Streamline and Harmonize Regulations, Reinvigorate Government-University Partnership.

Question 1

Short answer
Describe the problem addressed in the passage.

Question 2

Short answer
Describe an oversight power Congress could use to address the complaints mentioned in the passage.

Question 3

Short answer
Describe a legislative action Congress could take to address the complaints mentioned in the passage.

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