14.3 FRQ

Two economists actually did a study and found that one single voter in Iowa or New Hampshire “had the same impact as five Super Tuesday voters put together.” Five! That’s because people react to the results, and resulting media coverage about who has “momentum,” and may change their votes if they think their preferred candidate has less of a chance of winning. But if people vote based on the perception of other people’s preferences, rather than their own, that skews the data—and the race.

—Versha Sharma, “Analysis: The Problem with Iowa and NH Going First in the Democratic Race,” Now This, February 12, 2020

Question 1

Short answer
 Describe the viewpoint expressed in the passage.

Question 2

Short answer
 Describe a proposal to address the problem described in part A.

Question 3

Short answer
Explain why states prefer to hold their primaries and caucuses early in the nomination process.

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