4.3 FRQ

The jockeying [for committee positions] and suspense will be especially acute in the House. Its 435 seats make specialization something close to a job requirement, so committee membership takes on outsize importance in driving each member’s legislative priorities and perceived areas of expertise — and in many cases fundraising focus as well. That helps explain why campaigning for a good assignment is an essential focus during every newly elected member’s two-month transition to office, and why the party leaders act as the gatekeepers of membership.

—David Hawkings, “The Opaque World of Committee Assignments,” Roll Call, December 1, 2014

Question 1

Short answer
Describe the strategy used by members of Congress discussed in the passage.

Question 2

Short answer
Explain how the strategy discussed in part A affects the ability of a member of Congress to win reelection.

Question 3

Short answer
Describe an advantage of the committee system in the policymaking process.

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