(2.3) SCOTUS FRQ: Baker v. Carr & Shaw v. Reno

Background: The Supreme Court's decisions in Baker v. Carr and Shaw v. Reno have had profound impacts on the principles of equal representation and the complexities of redistricting within the United States. These cases addressed the constitutional grounds for challenging state legislative apportionment and the implications of racial considerations in electoral districting.

Question 1

Short answer
Discuss how the decision in Baker v. Carr enabled federal courts to address state legislative apportionment issues. Explain its significance in promoting the principle of "one person, one vote" and its impact on enhancing democratic governance.

Question 2

Short answer
Identify the constitutional amendment pivotal to both Baker v. Carr and Shaw v. Reno.

Question 3

Short answer
Explain on the broader implications of these landmark cases for the redistricting process in the United States. Consider how they have shaped the balance between ensuring equitable representation and preventing the manipulation of electoral districts for political or racial purposes.

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