13.3 FRQ

Voters’ lack of decisiveness changes everything. Voting is not a slight variation on shopping. Shoppers have incentives to be rational. Voters do not. The naive view of democracy, which paints it as a public forum for solving social problems, ignores more than a few frictions. It overlooks the big story inches beneath the surface. When voters talk about solving social problems, their primary aim is to boost their self-worth by casting off the workaday shackles of objectivity.
                                                                  —Bryan Caplan, Professor of Economics, George Mason University

Question 1

Short answer
Describe the viewpoint conveyed in the quote.

Question 2

Short answer
Describe an argument that would be made by a critic of the viewpoint conveyed in the quote.

Question 3

Short answer
Describe one function of elections in a representative democracy, besides the selection of office holders.

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