2.1 FRQ

In a letter to James Madison in November of 1786, George Washington wrote,

What stronger evidence can be given of the want of energy in our government than these disorders?  If there exists not a power to check them, what security has a man of life, liberty, or property?  To you, I am sure I need not add aught on this subject, the consequences of a lax, or inefficient government, are too obvious to be dwelt on.  Thirteen sovereignties pulling against each other, and all tugging at the foederal head will soon bring ruin to the whole; whereas a liberal, and energetic Constitution, well guarded and closely watched, to prevent incroachments, might restore us to that degree of respectability and consequence, to which we had fair claim, & the brightest prospect of attaining. 

Question 1

Short answer
In the context of the passage, describe George Washington's concern regarding the Articles of Confederation.

Question 2

Short answer
Explain how the Articles of Confederation led to the concerns addressed in the passage.

Question 3

Short answer
Explain why supporters of the Articles of Confederation might argue that a new Constitution would threaten liberty. 

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