The Victory Lab, Chapter 1 "Blinded by Political Science"
Read the following excerpts from The Victory Lab, Chapter 1, and then answer the related questions. You will receive immediate feedback on your answers and have the two more opportunities to revise to raise your points.
Question 1
Short answer
How does the "funnel" theory proposed by Campbell and his colleagues explain the stability of partisan identification over a person's lifetime, and what are the implications of this stability for the predictability and dynamics of electoral outcomes?
Question 2
Short answer
How does the concept of 'gut reasoning,' as described by Samuel Popkin, influence voter behavior, and what are the implications of voters using shortcuts and symbols to make electoral decisions?
Question 3
Short answer
What does the concept of "candidate-induced issue voting" suggest about the role of candidate perception in elections, and how might this influence the strategies that political campaigns use to attract swing voters?
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