Many Voices and Well Reasoned

The founding fathers wanted to ensure that Congress should be a very deliberative body and that the US government not be efficient, because efficiency in government could lead to tyranny. Their vision was that only well-reasoned bills become law and that many voices should contribute to the process. Considering the work that goes into writing a budget, to what extent has that vision held up? 

Question 1

Short answer
The vision of the founding fathers was that only well-reasoned bills become law and that many voices should contribute to the process. Considering the work that goes into writing a budget, to what extent has that vision held up with regard to the role that checks and balances or a desire to “thwart the tyranny of the majority” play in passing a budget?

Question 2

Short answer
The vision of the founding fathers was that only well-reasoned bills become law and that many voices should contribute to the process. Considering the work that goes into writing a budget, to what extent has that vision held up with regard to the role of congressional leadership or the role of committees play in passing budgets? 

Question 3

Short answer
The vision of the founding fathers was that only well-reasoned bills become law and that many voices should contribute to the process. Considering the work that goes into writing a budget, to what extent has that vision held up with regard to the role that interest groups or the role that lobbyists play in passing budgets?  

Question 4

Short answer
The vision of the founding fathers was that only well-reasoned bills become law and that many voices should contribute to the process. Considering the work that goes into writing a budget, to what extent has that vision held up with regard to the role that the American people play in passing budgets?  

Question 5

Short answer
The vision of the founding fathers was that only well-reasoned bills become law and that many voices should contribute to the process. Considering the work that goes into writing a budget, to what extent has that vision held up with regard to the role that the media play in passing budgets?  

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