Judicial Branch Concept Analysis
“Mr. Chairman, I come before the committee with no agenda. I have no platform. Judges are not politicians who can promise to do certain things in exchange for votes. I have no agenda, but I do have a commitment. If I am confirmed, I will confront every case with an open mind. I will fully and fairly analyze the legal arguments that are presented. I will be open to the considered views of my colleagues on the bench. And I will decide every case based on the record, according to the rule of law, without fear or favor, to the best of my ability. And I will remember that it's my job to call balls and strikes and not to pitch or bat. If I am confirmed, I will be vigilant to protect the integrity of the Supreme Court, and I will work to ensure that it upholds the rule of law and safeguards those liberties that make this land one of endless possibilities for all Americans. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, members of the committee. I look forward to your questions.” - John Roberts Jr. (2005) at Senate confirmation hearing.
Question 1
Short answer
Describe the concept Chief Justice Roberts is arguing he will protect in this passage.
Question 2
Short answer
Explain how the Constitution addresses this concept.
Question 3
Short answer
Describe how the Supreme Court itself addresses the concept discussed in part A.
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