Understanding John Dickinson's Views on Liberty

Respond to all parts of the question. In your response, use substantive examples where appropriate.
“I know the name of liberty is dear to… us; but have we note enjoyed liberty even under the English monarchy? Shall we… renounce that to go and seek it in I know not what form of republic, which will soon change into a licentious anarchy and popular tyranny? In the human body, only the head sustains and governs all the members, directing them… to the same object, which is self-preservation and happiness; so the head of the body politic, that is the king, in concert with Parliament, can along maintain the union of the members of his Empire… and prevent civil war by obviating all the evils produced by variety of opinions and diversity of interests.”
John Dickinson, Continental Congress, July 1, 1776

Question 1

Short answer
Describe the political institution Dickinson wanted to maintain.

Question 2

Short answer
In the context of the passage, explain how the political institution identified in part A affected the behavior of the colonists.

Question 3

Short answer
Explain how the passage relates to representative democracy.

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