Economic Sectors and Their Impact on Development
The structure of economies can be categorized into primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors, each representing a different stage of economic activity and development. The primary sector involves the extraction of raw materials, the secondary sector concerns manufacturing and processing, and the tertiary sector encompasses a wide range of services. These sectors are influenced by various factors, including technological advancement, globalization, and education, and they contribute differently to the economies of countries at various stages of development.
Question 1
Short answer
Define the concept of the tertiary economic sector.
Question 2
Short answer
Describe ONE way that the shift from the secondary to the tertiary sector has affected employment patterns in developed countries.
Question 3
Short answer
Explain how globalization has influenced the growth of the tertiary sector in less developed countries.
Question 4
Short answer
Explain ONE reason why the primary sector remains significant in some economies despite the global trend towards a service-based economy.
Question 5
Short answer
Explain ONE way that technological advancements have transformed the secondary sector in recent decades.
Question 6
Short answer
Explain the relationship between education levels in a population and the proportion of the workforce employed in the tertiary sector.
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