2.1-2.2 Vocab
This is an optional assignment to help you come up with your examples for your vocab. You will only have 5 attempts to respond to each question, but you will receive feedback for each attempt. Once you have come up with your best response, please add it to your Vocab assignment.
Question 1
Short answer
Explain an example of population distribution.
Question 2
Short answer
Explain an example of Eurasia.
Question 3
Short answer
Explain an example of ecumene.
Question 4
Short answer
Explain an example of population clusters.
Question 5
Short answer
Explain an example of metacity.
Question 6
Short answer
Explain an example of megacity.
Question 7
Short answer
Explain an example of developed country.
Question 8
Short answer
Explain an example of developing country.
Question 9
Short answer
Explain an example of Snow Belt.
Question 10
Short answer
Explain an example of Sunbelt.
Question 11
Short answer
Explain an example of mean center of population.
Question 12
Short answer
Explain an example of population density.
Question 13
Short answer
Explain an example of arithmetic (crude) density.
Question 14
Short answer
Explain an example of carrying capacity.
Question 15
Short answer
Explain an example of human well-being.
Question 16
Short answer
Explain an example of Anthropocene.
Question 17
Short answer
Explain an example of demography.
Question 18
Short answer
Explain an example of physiological density.
Question 19
Short answer
Explain an example of arable land.
Question 20
Short answer
Explain an example of agricultural density.
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Other Human Geography Assignments
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