Lakeland Farming and Environmental Impact

In Lakeland, players must manage a town, balancing farming practices with environmental impacts. You will decide how to use manure (animal waste) and fertilizers (substances added to soil to help plants grow) to grow crops, while making sure nearby lakes don’t get polluted. The game shows how farming can cause phosphorus (a nutrient in manure and fertilizers) to run off into lakes, leading to harmful algae blooms (rapid growth of algae that can hurt water quality and aquatic life). Your goal is to keep your farm successful while protecting the environment, teaching you about the real-world challenge of balancing agriculture and sustainability (the ability to maintain something over time, like clean water and healthy soil).

Group 1

Questions to consider while playing:

Question 1a

Short answer
Manure: What happens when too much manure is applied to fields, and how can it affect water quality?

Question 1b

Short answer
Phosphorus: Why is phosphorus important for farming, but dangerous for lakes?

Question 1c

Short answer
Sustainability: What farming strategies can help you keep your farm running without harming the environment in the game?

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