Yellow Fever Investigation Summary Assignment
First, we are going to do a Vocabulary Round Table to generate some vocabulary that should make its way into your response. Choose at least five words from the list to include in your response. Then you will draft your response. Please use scrap paper to outline your response. You will then be given one class period to type your finished response in a Google Doc to submit for your final grade. This assignment is worth 30% of your grade. Here are some sentence starters to use for your response: Introduction: 'In The Secret of the Yellow Death, doctors were faced with the challenge of...' 'At the start of the investigation into Yellow Fever, little was known about...' 'The story follows a group of doctors trying to solve the mystery of how the Yellow Fever was spreading so quickly and killing so many people.' Body: 'One of the first clues the doctors discovered was...' 'Despite their efforts to control the disease, they faced challenges such as...' 'As the investigation continued, the doctors began to suspect that mosquitoes might be...' 'Through their experiments, the doctors found evidence that...' 'This discovery was important because it showed that...' Closing: 'In the end, the doctors were able to prove that...' 'Their work not only solved the mystery of Yellow Fever, but it also led to...' 'The discovery of mosquitoes as carriers of Yellow Fever changed the way diseases like this were...' 'This investigation showed the importance of careful research and how new ideas can lead to...'
Group 1
Using the excerpts you’ve read, write a summary that explains how doctors investigated the cause of Yellow Fever and eventually discovered that mosquitoes were responsible for spreading the disease. In your summary, explain the three theories for the disease, why some theories did not hold, and specific details which confirmed that mosquitoes were spreading the disease. Be sure to include the significance of their final discovery and how it impacted future medical research and disease prevention.
Question 1a
Write a summary explaining the investigation into Yellow Fever, the theories considered, and the eventual discovery of mosquitoes as the disease vector. Include the significance of this discovery.
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