Patrick and Keegan Role Play 2

Try this role play based on the exam topic: 
Topic: 4. **Inventory Management:** Inventory management ensures that hotels and resorts have the right quantity of supplies and services available to meet guest demands.

Question 1

Short answer
You have been hired by a hotel to figure out why they often run out of guest amenities such as soap and extra pillows. Customers are leaving poor reviews because the hotel cannot provide extra pillows for their guests if they are requested and the maids are not able to replace the shampoos daily for fear that they will run out of them.  Please explain two factors that may be causing the hotel to run out of items such as the amenities listed here. What steps might the hotel take to ensure that they have just the right amount of amenities to keep the guests happy, but not so much that they need the expense of storing too much. 

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