Ch. 18-19 MCQs

Group 1

Question 1a

Multiple choice
  • It provided employment opportunities for European peasants to create wealth and social standing.

  • It provided Amerindians with an ability to develop successful business tactics and enter the global trade.

  • European agricultural practices in the Americas often required deforestation and other environment changes to facilitate sugar production.

  • Production was so high at such low costs that the global market in sugar plummeted, causing economic despair.

Question 1b

Multiple choice
  • only African slaves knew how to successfully grow the sugar.

  • disease wiped out large portions of the Amerindian population.

  • African slaves were cheaper to obtain than Amerindians who lived deep in the forest.

  • the Catholic Church forbade the use of Amerindians as slave labor.

Question 1c

Multiple choice
  • Sugar was soon used as a major monetary instrument, similar to salt or silver.

  • The Catholic Church saw sugar plantations as a key way to spread religion.

  • American foods became staple exports with heavy demand in Europe.

  • Sugar spoiled so quickly it had to be constantly resupplied.

Group 2

Question 2a

Multiple choice
  • The number of slaves transported to the Caribbean remained constant for 3 centuries.

  • A greater number of slaves died in transit to Brazil than to North America.

  • Most slaves shipped to North America were men.

  • The use of slaves in Brazil increased over time.

Question 2b

Multiple choice
  • Greater use of Amerindians in mining led to a decreasing need for African slaves.

  • Disease killed large numbers of Amerindians, leading to increased demand for African slaves.

  • Expansion of plantations in the Caribbean led to increased birth rates and slaves being transported back to Africa.

  • Increased urbanization led to a need for more household servants and domestic helpers.

Group 3

Question 3a

Multiple choice
  • the motivations for European colonization of the Americas.

  • the relative importance of Europe in the global economy.

  • the significance of economic developments in Europe prior to 1500.

  • the justification for European claims of economic superiority.

Question 3b

Multiple choice
  • importance of European-manufactured exports to Asia.

  • different economic relationships that specific European states had with Asia.

  • exceptional qualities of European states that enabled them to dominate the global economy.

  • significance of European access to precious metals from the Americas.

Group 4

Question 4a

Multiple choice
  • Women were rarely the subject of paintings in European art of the period.

  • Caribbean society was built on racial hierarchies that generally reserved elite status for people of European ancestry.

  • In most cultures of the period, children were not considered worthy of being portrayed in art until they reached adulthood.

  • Caribbean society was predominantly matriarchal, with men expected to play strictly domestic roles in the household.

Question 4b

Multiple choice
  • The collapse of the Inca and Aztec Empires as a result of Spanish invasion.

  • The growth of industrial production in the US.

  • The expansion of the plantation system for growing sugarcane and other crops.

  • The development of large-scale silver mining operations in South America.

Group 5

Question 5a

Multiple choice
  • Political, religious, and economic rivalries shaped European colonial policies in Africa.

  • State centralization in Europe led to a change from joint-stock company control to direct imperial control in many colonial territories.

  • The arrival of Europeans led to the conquest and destruction of many native African states.

  • Religious conflicts stemming from the spread of Islam from North Africa made sub-Saharan African states vulnerable to European conquest.

Question 5b

Multiple choice
  • evenhanded in describing the benefits and detriments of various proposed options to the States General

  • shaped by views of European cultural and religious superiority over African peoples, which the States General representatives would have been likely to share

  • dismissive in its evaluation of the military and strategic importance of the kingdom of Kongo to the Netherlands

  • seeking to steer the States General representatives into taking action that would benefit the company financially

Question 5c

Multiple choice
  • secure profits from the rapidly expanding trans-Atlantic slave trade

  • highlight the gender and family imbalances created by the slave trade

  • recommend that the company expand its operations to the Indian Ocean and the spice islands of Southeast Asia

  • offer a comparison between the profitability of East African versus West African slave trade routes

Group 6

Question 6a

Multiple choice
  • The demographic makeup of Barbadian society and the structure of its economy make existing punishments for slaves justified.

  • Barbadian slaves are punished more leniently than slaves working on the larger plantations of French Caribbean islands.

  • Plantation owners who punish their slaves too harshly are not fulfilling their duties as Christians to treat the less fortunate kindly.

  • The punishments of slaves in Barbados are the result of a long experience of deadly slave uprisings and anti-planter violence on the island.

Question 6b

Multiple choice
  • The extensive mining of precious metals on Caribbean islands has destroyed the islands' natural environment.

  • Despite the small size of Barbadian plantations, the landowners on Barbados are very wealthy.

  • Slave political grievances are threatening the political order in American colonial societies.

  • Barbadian plantation owners are the wealthiest social group in the Caribbean.

Question 6c

Multiple choice
  • The current political and economic makeup of European colonies in the Caribbean is not sustainable over the long term.

  • Christianity will provide a solution to the social ills of colonial societies in the Caribbean.

  • Coerced labor systems have allowed a minority of the population of Caribbean colonial societies to reap enormous economic benefits.

  • It is incumbent upon France to try to wrest control of Barbados from Great Britain.

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