AP Success - AP World History: Historical View of Rwandan Genocide

Question 1

Multiple choice
  • A coup d'état by the Tutsi minority

  • The killing of President Habyarimana

  • International sanctions against Rwanda

  • The invasion of the Rwandan Patriotic Front

Question 2

Multiple choice
  • A result of long-standing ethnic tensions

  • Directed by high-level officials within the interim government

  • Spontaneous and uncoordinated

  • An act of self-defense against Tutsi aggression

Question 3

Multiple choice
  • It was a response to Tutsi-led violence

  • It was an organized effort of genocide

  • It was primarily economically motivated

  • It was a series of isolated incidents

Question 4

Multiple choice
  • There were both random massacres and targeted killings of Tutsi leadership

  • International efforts to stop the genocide were occurring simultaneously

  • The violence was mirrored in neighboring countries

  • The Tutsi and Hutu communities were equally responsible for the violence

Question 5

Multiple choice
  • Controlled measures were being taken to reduce the violence

  • The situation was deteriorating beyond the ability of authorities to manage it

  • The international community was actively rating the severity of the conflict

  • The violence was being systematically recorded and analyzed

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