Daoism at our high school
You were given the following information about Daoist Principles: **Simplicity:** Simplicity means keeping life uncluttered. It's like cleaning your room to find things easily. Daoists believe that by simplifying our lives, we can clear our minds and discover inner peace. **Nature and Naturalness:** Daoism encourages connecting with nature. It's like taking a hike in the woods and feeling at one with the world around you. Daoists find wisdom in observing nature's rhythms and seek to be in harmony with the natural world. **Inner Peace:** Finding inner peace is like finding a quiet pond within, even when life gets chaotic. Daoists believe that by staying calm and centered, we can handle challenges with grace and tranquility. **Spontaneity:** Imagine dancing freely without rehearsed steps. Daoists value spontaneity, living in the moment, and following their hearts. It's about being your authentic self and embracing life's surprises. **Humility:** Being humble means not seeking attention or praise. It's like quietly helping someone without expecting a reward. Daoists believe that by practicing humility, we can build genuine connections with others. **Balance:** Balance in Daoism is about finding the middle path, like not overeating or eating too little. It's about making choices that keep us in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. **Harmony with Others:** Daoists emphasize living harmoniously with others. It's like playing in a band where everyone listens and cooperates. By understanding and cooperating with those around us, we create a peaceful environment. Use the information to help you with your response. Some sentence frames to help you: One specific situation or policy at our high school that goes against Daoists principles is: ___ The Daoist principle this violates is ____________. That principle is defined as __________________. It violates that principle because _____________. One thing that can be done to bring back harmony and balance is __________________ This would bring balance and harmony because ________________.
Question 1
Short answer
Use the sentence frames above to answer this set of questions in a paragraph. Think of one specific policy or situation at our high school that goes against Daoist Principles and brings imbalance and disharmony to our school. Explain that specifically. Describe the Daoist Principle it violates (and explain/define that principle). Explain HOW the policy or situation violates that principle. Explain one action or policy change that could be made to bring harmony and balance back to the HIgh School. Explain why your suggestion would bring balance and harmony back to the high school.
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