Drawing Inferences from 'Hammurabi's Hammer'

The story 'Hammurabi's Hammer' provides a glimpse into the ancient city of Babylon and the establishment of one of the earliest legal codes. As you read, think about how the laws affected the people and the society. Use the story to draw inferences and conclusions, supporting your answers with evidence from the text. Use the RACE method (Restate, answer, cite evidence, explain) for full points.

Group 1

Hammurabi's Hammer

In the ancient city of Babylon, long ago, a king named Hammurabi ruled with a strong hand. He wanted to create a just and fair society, where everyone knew the rules and consequences. So, he gathered his wisest advisors and together, they worked for years to create a set of laws that would govern the people of Babylon.

These laws were written on a giant stone slab, which was later known as the Code of Hammurabi. It was a collection of over 280 laws that covered everything from property rights to punishments for crimes. The code was carved into the stone in a beautiful script and placed in a public square for all to see.

The code was a groundbreaking achievement for its time. It was one of the first written legal codes, and it helped to establish a sense of order and justice in Babylon. The code also included a principle known as the "eye for an eye" principle, which meant that a punishment should be equal to the crime. This principle was often criticized, but it helped to ensure that everyone was treated fairly.

One day, a young man named Akhenaten was accused of stealing a valuable piece of jewelry. According to the Code of Hammurabi, the punishment for theft was to cut off the thief's hand. Akhenaten was terrified, but he knew that the law must be followed.

As the executioner raised his axe, Akhenaten cried out for help. A wise old woman named Nefertiti stepped forward and pleaded with the king. She explained that Akhenaten was innocent and that the real thief was a nobleman who had framed him.

The king was impressed by Nefertiti's courage and wisdom. He ordered a new investigation, and it was soon discovered that Akhenaten was telling the truth. The real thief was punished according to the law, and Akhenaten was set free.

The Code of Hammurabi was a powerful tool for justice in ancient Babylon. It helped to maintain order, protect the rights of the people, and ensure that everyone was treated fairly. Even today, the code is studied and admired as a landmark achievement in the history of law.

Question 1a

Short answer
What was the main purpose of the Code of Hammurabi according to the story? 

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