AP Success - AP World History: Visions of the Atomic Age, 1954

Question 1

Multiple choice
  • Atomic energy would be too expensive for widespread use and have limited impact on daily life.

  • Atomic energy would primarily be used for military purposes and lead to global insecurity.

  • Atomic energy would cause environmental concerns that would overshadow its benefits.

  • Atomic energy would lead to significant advancements in technology and quality of life.

Question 2

Multiple choice
  • The Cold War era, dominated by fear of nuclear annihilation and political distrust.

  • The Great Depression, marked by economic hardship and a lack of faith in technological progress.

  • The post-World War II era, characterized by technological optimism and economic growth.

  • The early Industrial Revolution, when the negative effects of industrialization were not yet fully realized.

Question 3

Multiple choice
  • The role of government regulation in setting fixed prices for energy.

  • The importance of conserving energy to prevent future energy crises.

  • The potential for atomic energy to revolutionize energy consumption.

  • The inevitability of resource scarcity leading to increased energy costs.

Question 4

Multiple choice
  • Climate change would exacerbate food shortages and lead to more frequent famines.

  • Traditional farming methods would remain dominant, preventing improvements in food security.

  • Advancements in agricultural technology and distribution would eradicate hunger.

  • Global population growth would outpace food production, leading to widespread starvation.

Question 5

Multiple choice
  • The use of nuclear technology in medical research and treatment.

  • The development of nuclear-powered vehicles to reduce accidents and improve safety.

  • The reliance on atomic bombs as a deterrent to prevent wars and improve global health.

  • The implementation of nuclear energy in agriculture to enhance food quality and longevity.

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