Mass Atrocities
Question 1
Drawing upon Gerda Weismann Klein's reflections on the Holocaust and the subsequent analyses by historians and scholars, explore the multifaceted factors that contribute to making individuals and societies "capable of committing such crimes" as genocide. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Gerda Weismann Klein, a Polish-American Holocaust survivor, questioned why the Jews in Germany did not fight back. “Why did we walk like meek sheep to the slaughterhouse?... Why did we not run away and hide? We might have had a chance to survive. Why did we walk deliberately and obediently into their clutches? I know why. Because we had faith in humanity. Because we did not really think that human beings were capable of committing such crimes.” All But My Life: A Memoir (1957) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluate the role of war in influencing people's psyche, potentially increasing their propensity to perpetrate violence against perceived "outgroups." Examine the impact of economic crises on societal dynamics, particularly how they can foster scapegoating and facilitate a diminished resistance to violence against certain groups. Analyze the implications of Enlightenment thinking, which often emphasizes societal perfectibility, in contributing to the dehumanization of specific communities by labeling them as biological threats or "other." _______________________________________________________________________________________ “For genocide to occur, it must be preceded by the dehumanization of a group. To dehumanize means to deny the humanity of someone, reducing them to sub-humans. In addition, dehumanization removes the individuality of a person. There is no difference between the group and the individuals. When done well, pity for the “other” becomes impossible and extermination becomes the natural next step.” - Kennedy Ndahiro Reflect on Kennedy Ndahiro's assertion that genocide is preceded by the dehumanization of a group. Discuss how dehumanization denies individuals their humanity and individuality, blurring distinctions between the group and its members, and making pity for the "other" increasingly difficult. _______________________________________________________________________________________ In your essay, integrate historical examples to support your arguments and critically engage with the complexities of these themes. Consider the broader implications of these insights for understanding the origins and prevention of genocide in contemporary contexts
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