Chapter 7 Practice DBQ

Question 1

Evaluate the extent to which rulers of the early modern era differed in their methods of establishing authority. 
Document 5: Source: Late-17th-century painting by Flemish artist Frans Geffels depicting the 1683 Ottoman siege of Vienna, the last Ottoman incursion into the Austrian Empire.
Document 6: Source: Etching of the Palace of Versailles by Israel Silvestre, a French draftsman who worked 1 the court of Louis XIV, 1682.
Document 1
The Sultan's hall was crowded with people, among whom were several officers of hi rank. Besides these there were all the troopers of the Imperial guard and a large force Janissaries: but there was not in all that great assembly a single man who owned his portion to aught save his valor and his merit. No distinction is attached to birth among t Turks... In making his appointments the Sultan pays no regard to any pretensions on to score of wealth or rank, nor does he take into consideration recommendations or popularity...It is by merit that men rise in the service, a system which ensures that posts should only be assigned to the competent.
Source: Letter from Ogler Ghiselln de Busbecq, Flemish nobleman and Austrian ambassador t the Ottoman Empire. Austria was under threat of an Ottoman invasion, 1555-1562.
Document 2
One of the things most to be envied in these rulers is how well they knew to conquer such vast lands... [They] entered many lands without war, and the soldiers who accompanied the Inca were ordered to do no damage or harm, robbery or violence. If there was a shortage of food in the province, he ordered supplies brought in from other regions so that these newly won to his service would not find his rule and acquaintance irksome.
Source: Pedro de Cieza de León's Chronicles of the Incas, which described the Inca Empire and the Spanish conquest of the Incas, ca. 1550. De León was a conquistador and descendant of Jewish conversos who participated in various expeditions in South America. (Conversos were Jews who converted to Roman Catholicism in the 14th and 15th centuries.)
Document 3
[H]aving on one occasion asked my father [Akbar] the reason why he had forbid one to prevent or interfere with the building of these haunts of idolatry [Hindu temples], his reply way in the following terms: "…Ill should I should I discharge the duties of my exalted station, were I to withhold my compassion and indulgence from any of those entrusted to my charge. With all of the human race, with all of God's creatures, I am at peace then should I permit myself, under any consideration, to be the cause of molestation aggression to any one? Besides, are not five parts in six of mankind either Hindus or a to the faith; and were I to be governed by motives of the kind suggested to your inquiry what alternative can I have but to put them all to death! I have thought it therefore wisest plan to let these men alone."
Source: The Memoirs of the Emperor Jahangir, an account of his reign of the Mughal Empire depicting major political and cultural events in his life, 1605-1627.
Document 4 
The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth, for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself they are called gods. There be three principal (comparisons) that illustrate the state of monarchy: one taken out of the word of God, and the two other out of the grounds of policy and philosophy. In the Scriptures kings are called gods, and so their power after a certain relation compared to the Divine power. Kings are also compared to fathers of families; for a king is truly parens patriae [parent of the country, the political father of his people. And lastly, kings are compared to the head of this microcosm of the body of man.
Source: Excerpt from James I's speech to the English Parliament, 1610.
Document 7
1. Esteem most highly filial piety and brotherly submission, in order to give due importance to human moral relations.
3. Cultivate peace and concord in your neighborhoods, in order to prevent quarrels and
4. Give importance to agriculture and sericulture, in order to ensure a sufficiency of clothing and food.
6. Foster colleges and schools, in order to give the training of scholars a proper start.
7. Do away with errant teachings, in order to exalt the correct doctrine.
8. Expound on the laws, in order to warn the ignorant and obstinate.
11. Instruct sons and younger brothers, in order to prevent them from doing what is wrong
14. Promptly remit your taxes, in order to avoid being pressed for payment.
Source: Excerpt from the "Sacred Edict" of the Qing dynasty, a set of moral and government instructions enacted by imperial authority, beginning with the Kangxi emperor (r. 1662-1722), for use in local rituals conducted throughout the Qing Empire.

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