NYS CC ELA Regents January 2024 Part I
Question 1
tenants' pride in the vicomte's noble heritage
tenants’ appreciation of the vicomte’s good fortune
vicomte’s respect for his uncle’s wishes
vicomte’s motivation for his novel decision
Question 2
shock at the vicomte’s ideas
exhaustion from his duties
impatience with the tenants
disregard of the vicomte’s demand
Question 3
“But he quickly recovered himself; he had heard badly” (lines 16 and 17)
“ ‘Monsieur, of course means to raise the rents’ ” (line 19)
“ ‘Monsieur has not reflected,’ persisted he” (line 24)
“One would not conduct himself thus without being forced” (line 51)
Question 4
are easily satisfied
are suspicious of change
accept gifts graciously
reveal secrets of others
Question 5
discomfort to comfort
complaint to praise
fear to trust
uncertainty to certainty
Question 6
suggest that
rule out that
ignore that
require proof that
Question 7
making excuses for the vicomte’s rude behavior
imagining reasons why the vicomte lowered the rents
investigating the history of the building
accusing one another of crimes
Question 8
seeking revenge
being frugal
acting irrationally
being responsible
Question 9
Poor communication can generate hysterical behavior
Clear communication facilitates mutual benefits.
Good intentions can create positive effects.
Negative experiences foster group hostility.
Question 10
“He learned, also, that the unfurnished building, bought in 1849 for 300,000 francs, now brought in, clear of taxes, rentals of 82,000 francs a year.” (lines 5 through 7)
“With this excellent purpose in view, the Vicomte de B— sent immediately for the concièrge of the building, who presented himself as promptly, with back bent like a bow.” (lines 12 and 13)
“Staggering like a drunken man, Monsieur Bernard went out from the house of his proprietor.” (lines 28 and 29)
“ ‘What motives,’ said they all, ‘actuate this strange man? For certainly he must have grave reasons for a step like this!’ ” (lines 48 and 49)
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