Political Theory- Social Contract and Six Forms of Government

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
 “The socialist system of the Republic is a people-centered social system in which the masses of the working people are the masters of everything and everything in society serves them.  In accordance with the nature of its socialist system, the Government of the Republic defends and protects the interests of workers, peasants, and intellectuals and all other working people who have become masters of state and society, free from exploitation and oppression.”

“The Juche idea means, in a nutshell, that the masters of the revolution and construction are the masses of the people and that they are also the motive force of the revolution and construction.  The Juche idea is based on the principle of national independence.  Juche means adopting the attitude of a master towards the revolution and construction of one’s country.”

“All the citizens who have reached 17 years of age have the right to elect and be elected, irrespective of sex, race, occupation, length of residence, property status, education, party affiliation, political views and religion.  They also have freedom of speech, the press, assembly, demonstration and association, freedom of religious beliefs, and they are entitled to submit complaints and petitions.”



Question 1

Short answer
In fifty words or less describe North Korean socialism and the Juche concept . No quotes allowed.

Question 2

Short answer
The DPRK generally states that the responsibilities of citizens are based upon the collectivist principle.  What does “collectivist” mean?  What specific responsibilities do you think citizens have to their government?

Question 3

Short answer
List TWO modern-day countries that are SINGLE PARTY states, TWO modern-day countries that practice DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, and TWO  modern-day countries that practice LIMITED MONARCHY. (6 total)
Answer like this:

Group 4

In November and December of 2020, the US had a presidential election and the states declared Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winners and Trump and Pence the losers.  However, President Trump did not accept defeat and spread the lie that he had won the election and it was “rigged” against him.  On January 6, 2021, the day that the Congress was required to certify (validate) the votes of the state and officially declare Biden Harris the winning ticket, President Trump pressured his vice president Pence (who was officially in charge of the certification) to block the process and prevent Congress from declaring Biden the winner.  This is not a power given to the Vice President under the Constitution.  Pence refused to attempt this.
After Pence refused, he went over to Congress later on the same day, January 6 and they started to certify the votes.  Trump gave a speech to supporters that day and told them that the Vice President “did didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and protect the Constitution.”  This angered the crowd and then Trump encouraged supporters to go from over to Congress (legislative branch) to protest and “save the country”.  

Question 4a

Short answer
Briefly explain how a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, (like the United States )stopped Trump from pushing his claims that the 2020 election was "rigged"? (you have to address information from the passage to make your case and discuss how the constitution is set up in you answer. 

Question 5

Short answer
Make the case of why you think ONE FORM of government is better than the other. Provide THREE pieces of evidence that support your choice.  Choose ONE from the following: 

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