Document B: The Truman Doctrine

Read the following passage and answer the questions

The United States has received from the Greek Government an urgent
appeal for financial and economic assistance...Greece is in desperate
need of financial and economic assistance to enable it to resume
purchases of food, clothing, fuel, and seeds.
The very existence of the Greek state is today threatened by the terrorist
activities of several thousand armed men, led by Communists, who defy
the government's authority. . . . Greece must have assistance if it is to
become a self-supporting and self-respecting democracy. The United
States must supply this assistance. . . . No other nation is willing and able
to provide the necessary support for a democratic Greek government.
One of the primary objectives of the foreign policy of the United States is
the creation of conditions in which we and other nations will be able to work
out a way of life free from coercion.
It is necessary only to glance at a map to realize that the survival and
integrity of the Greek nation are of grave importance in a much wider
situation. If Greece should fall under the control of an armed minority, the
effect upon its neighbor, Turkey, would be immediate and serious.
Confusion and disorder might well spread throughout the entire Middle
East. . . . Should we fail to aid Greece and Turkey in this fateful hour, the
effect will be far reaching to the West as well as to the East.
The free peoples of the world look to us for support in maintaining their
freedoms. If we falter in our leadership, we may endanger the peace of the
world. And we shall surely endanger the welfare of this nation.
Great responsibilities have been placed upon us by the swift movement of

Question 1

Short answer
Why did Truman believe Greece needed American aid in 1947?

Question 2

Short answer
What does Truman mean when he claims, “Should we fail to aid Greece and Turkey
in this fateful hour, the effect will be far reaching to the West as well as to the East”?

Question 3

Short answer
Does Truman present American policy as offensive or defensive? What
words or phrases does Truman use to present policy this way?

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