Document C: Soviet Ambassador Telegram

Read the following passage and answer the questions

The foreign policy of the United States, which reflects the imperialist
tendencies of American monopolistic capital, is characterized in the
postwar period by a striving for world supremacy. This is the real meaning
of the many statements by President Truman and other representatives of
American ruling circles; that the United States has the right to lead the
world. All the forces of American diplomacy -- the army, the air force, the
navy, industry, and science -- are enlisted in the service of this foreign
policy. For this purpose broad plans for expansion have been developed
and are being implemented through diplomacy and the establishment of a
system of naval and air bases stretching far beyond the boundaries of the
United States, through the arms race, and through the creation of ever
newer types of weapons. . . .
During the Second World War . . . [American leaders] calculated that the
United States of America, if it could avoid direct participation in the war,
would enter it only at the last minute, when it could easily affect the
outcome of the war, completely ensuring its interests.
In this regard, it was thought that the main competitors of the United States
would be crushed or greatly weakened in the war, and the United States by
virtue of this circumstance would assume the role of the most powerful
factor in resolving the fundamental questions of the postwar world.

Excerpt from a telegram sent by Soviet Ambassador Nikolai
Novikov to Soviet Leadership in September 1946.

Question 1

Short answer
How does Novikov describe the United States? What evidence does he use to
support his description?

Question 2

Short answer
What does Novikov claim the United States planned during the Second World War?

Question 3

Short answer
Who was Nicholas Novikov? When did he write this telegram?

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