Zombie Bomb FRQ
Apply the psychological concepts to the given scenario. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the question posed, using appropriate psychological terminology.
Group 1
The United States decides to resurrect the Manhattan Project; however, instead of the goal of creating an A-bomb (Atomic bomb) these scientists desire to create the world’s first Z-bomb, the nickname for the Zombie bomb. When detonated over a populated area it will unleash a very contagious virus that will transform humans into zombies. Zombies have an insatiable appetite for human flesh and especially for human brains. Their body movements are very slow and rather uncoordinated. Zombies have a horrible sense of balance. They seem to lack any emotions, are completely fearless, and have no moral constraints or guilty conscience. They possess a very acute ability to smell the flesh of the living. They are incapable of speech, but can understand speech. Finally they have an extraordinary high pain tolerance. A neurologist who is working for this new Manhattan Project is asked to document the alterations the so-called zombie virus has upon the human brain and its sensory systems. The affected areas are listed below. Based on the description of zombies in the above paragraph, explain how the affected areas were altered as a result of the zombie virus:
Question 1a
Short answer
How would the prefrontal cortex be altered by the zombie bomb and how would that alteration impact a person's behavior?
Question 1b
Short answer
How would the olfactory sense be altered by the zombie bomb and how would that alteration impact a person's behavior?
Question 1c
Short answer
How would the vestibular sense be altered by the zombie bomb and how would that alteration impact a person's behavior?
Question 1d
Short answer
How would the motor cortex be altered by the zombie bomb and how would that alteration impact a person's behavior?
Question 1e
Short answer
How would the hypothalamus be altered by the zombie bomb and how would that alteration impact a person's behavior?
Question 1f
Short answer
How would the amygdala be altered by the zombie bomb and how would that alteration impact a person's behavior?
Question 1g
Short answer
How would the Broca's area be altered by the zombie bomb and how would that alteration impact a person's behavior?
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