Environmental Science FRQ Question 3 (Set 2)
Question 3: Analyze an Environmental Problem and Propose a Solution Doing Calculations 10 points (a) Describe why coal is considered a nonrenewable energy source. Accept one of the following: • Nonrenewable energy sources like coal exist in a fixed/finite/limited amount. • The formation rate of coal is less than the consumption/combustion rate of coal. 1 point (b) Describe one potential environmental advantage of replacing a coal‐fired power plant with a natural‐gas power plant. Accept one of the following: • Natural gas combustion emits fewer greenhouse gases/less CO2. • Natural gas combustion does not emit mercury/lead/cadmium/uranium. • Natural gas combustion emits less NOx/SOx/reduces acid precipitation. • Natural gas combustion produces less/no particulate matter/soot/smog. • Transport of natural gas destroys/fragments less habitat or requires less fossil fuel use than transport of coal. • Habitat destruction due to the impoundment of coal ash or coal slurry is negated. • Coal extraction destroys habitat by strip mining or mountaintop removal. 1 point (c) Describe one economic advantage of using natural gas, rather than coal, in producing electricity. Accept one of the following: • Transport of natural gas (in pipelines) costs less than transport of coal (by rail). • Natural gas (methane) harvested from a decomposition reaction (landfills, wastewater treatment plants, biodigesters) costs less than coal. • There are fewer health‐related issues linked to the burning of natural gas than are linked to burning coal, leading to lower health care costs for individuals or society as a whole. • There are fewer pollution controls needed for a natural gas powerplant, decreasing the cost of operation/construction/permitting. • There are lower combustion‐residue disposal costs from the operation of natural gas burning powerplants than from coal‐burning power plants. • Natural‐gas‐burning power plants are much more efficient (more electricity output from the same energy input) than coal‐burning power plants leading to lower fuel costs. © 2021 College Board 1 point
One point for the correct calculation of the number of kilograms of PM2.5: • 16,100 kilograms of PM2.5 • 16,000 kilograms of PM2.5 1 point Total for part (f) 2 points (g) Research has shown that hospital admissions for cardiovascular problems increase 1% with every 10% increase in PM2.5 concentration. A city experienced a 23% increase in PM2.5 concentration and had 7,390 hospital admissions for cardiovascular issues over a one‐year period. Calculate the anticipated increase in the number of hospital admissions for cardiovascular issues during the next year if the PM2.5 concentration continues to rise at an identical rate. Show your work. One point for the correct setup to calculate the increase in hospital admissions: • 0.23 * 0.01 * 7,390 admissions 0.10 • 0.23 1 * * 7,390 admissions 0.10 100 • 23% * 1% * 7,390 admissions 10% 1 point One point for the correct calculation of the increase in hospital admissions. Accept one of the following: • 169 more admissions • 170 more admissions 1 point Total for part (g) 2 points Total for question 3 10 points
(ii) Explain why amphibian biodiversity is declining globally, other than from deforestation. Accept one of the following: Increasing water pollution including: o Pollution from pharmaceuticals that cause reproductive harm/decrease reproductive success. o Pesticide pollution that is absorbed via the skin and is toxic to amphibians leading to death. o Endocrine disruptors (such as atrazine) can alter reproductive development leading to decreased number of successful offspring. Pesticide use reduces food sources for amphibians (insects), leading to decreasing population size. Microclimatic changes from overall global climate change (e.g., warmer, drier conditions in previously cool, moist areas, loss of wetlands) decreases available habitat leading to a decline in population size. Illegal amphibian trafficking removes species from an area leading to a decline in population sizes. Introduction of invasive species that compete for niche space leading to a decline in population sizes. Habitat fragmentation from human activity would limit range/reduce the ability to access resources, decreasing survival. Fungal infections (such as Chytrid) cause their skin to dry out, and they cannot breathe. 1 point Total for part (c) 2 points (d) (i) Identify one specific piece of legislation that has been designed to protect species threatened by extinction. Accept one of the following: • Endangered Species Act (ESA) • Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) • Lacey Act © 2021 College Board 1 point
AP® Environmental Science 2021 Scoring Guidelines (ii) Explain how the requirements of the legislation identified in part (d)(i) specifically protect species threatened by extinction. Accept one of the following: Legislation identified in (d)(i) Explanation of requirements that specifically protect species threatened by extinction Endangered Species Act (ESA) Lists endangered/threatened plant and animal species and prevents them from being killed or harmed. Designates/protects critical habitat to promote survival and recovery of listed species. Creates plans to restore populations to healthy sizes. Identifies species that are threatened before they become endangered to provide protections. Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) A global agreement that protects endangered/threatened plants and animals (including goods such as ivory, shark fins, or rhinoceros’ horns) by banning/regulating the trade of these species. Lacey Act Prohibits the trade of wildlife, fish, and plants that have been illegally taken, possessed, transported, or sold. 1 point Total for part (d) 2 points (e) (i) Propose a viable solution that will result in the protection of the endemic frog species while still allowing for maximum profit of the property development. Accept one of the following: Move/transplant the frog populations to an adjacent undeveloped area prior to development. A portion of the wetland can be designated as a park/preserve. Wildlife corridors (land/bridges) can be built/created on a portion of the wetlands. Restrict development within a minimum setback away from the wetland. Project developers can group buildings together/can build up, not out. © 2021 College Board 1 point
AP® Environmental Science 2021 Scoring Guidelines (ii) Justify the solution proposed in (e)(i) by describing a potential advantage of the plan, other than frog protection. Accept one of the following: Solution proposed in (e)(i) Justification of how solutions offer potential advantages, other than frog protection Move/transplant frogs Developers will only have a one‐time disruption during the removal but will not have to deal with continued disruptions (such as increasing human population, increasing use of fertilizer/pesticides). Developer will have the maximum amount of land available. Designate as a park/preserve By protecting areas, animal species will have more food and space availability increasing survival rates. Potential educational/environmental draw of living near a park/preserve may allow the developer to charge higher rents for the apartments. There is aesthetic value of the wetland and its species for the people that live there. The preserved wetland area will help prevent flooding. Use of wildlife corridors By establishing corridors, the other species will also not be as greatly affected by multiple habitat fragments. The animal species can continue to move back and forth for food, shelter, and reproduction by way of the habitat corridors. Setback By establishing setbacks, a buffer zone will be created between the development and the wetland area, filtering runoff into the wetland. A buffer zone will add privacy for residents between the two developments. Project development By developing the apartments in groups/clusters and leaving preserved wetlands, the species will not be as affected by multiple habitat fragments. 1 point Total for part (e) 2 points Total for question 2 10 points