3.1 And then there was light
Watch video 4.1 - And then there was light, and then fill out the worksheet answers below.
Question 1
Short answer
Explain in your own words how “light” is made. This should include a discussion of what electrons are "doing" when light is produced.
Question 2
Short answer
Explain in your own words what your eye sees when you see someone wearing a red shirt.
Question 3
Short answer
Explain in your own words what your eye sees when you see someone wearing a black shirt.
Question 4
Short answer
Explain in your own words what your eye sees when you see someone wearing a white shirt.
Question 5
Short answer
When a television news anchor in a studio speaks to a reporter in a distant country, there is sometimes a noticeable lag between when the anchor speaks in the studio and when the remote reporter hears it and replies. Explain what causes this delay.
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