5th Grade Informational Essay

Question 1

Write a multi-paragraph essay on a person from American history that has had a positive impact on our society. Use the following outline to plan your essay:

Introductory Paragraph
This paragraph will introduce the reader to your person. It needs a great beginning/topic sentence. (Use an interesting fact, quote, or questions about this person.) 

A hook (quote, mini story, interesting fact) to get the reader’s attention!
Introduce us to your person by answering these four questions:
What is your person’s full name?
Why is your person famous in history?
What were his/her biggest successes?
What were his/her struggles?

Early Life to Adulthood
Topic sentence
Education- How did your person prepare for his/her future?
Lifestyle as a child (poor, wealthy, owned slaves, etc.)
Describe personality – use examples and details from your research. What was it about your character that helped him or her to succeed?
Influences (people, ideas, books, places)
Closing sentence

Adult Life
Topic sentence
Early work
Accomplishments- personal and professional achievements and honors
Problems or obstacles he/she faced
Changes that caused the problems? (population, environmental, economic, political, beliefs
What did he/she do to overcome difficulties
Closing sentence

Later Life
Topic sentence
Death (include details- when, where, how)
How will this person be remembered? How did what he/she accomplish, shape and impact our country?
How were these goals accomplished in his/her lifetime?
Where do you see a connection with today regarding those accomplishments?
Closing sentence

Closing paragraph (personal response)

Your CONCLUSION paragraph needs:
Topic Sentence 
At least three sentences summarizing the most important things about your person
Memorable Ending!
Here are some ideas of things you MIGHT include in your ending.  They are just ideas.  Feel free to craft your own memorable ending!

Meeting _______________________________ would have been an interesting experience because _______________________________________________________. 
If I could ask ________________________________ a question, I would ask _______________________________________________________. (Reason why). 
This person’s life has inspired me to 1. ___________________________________, and 2. ________________________________________________.
In what ways would you like to be like him/her?

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