Sensory Perception in Different Scenarios

You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. 

During a school trip, a group of students visits a large, bustling city for the first time. They are overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells of the city. As they walk down the busy streets, they hear a variety of sounds - car horns, people talking, music playing from nearby shops. One of the students, Alex, notices that he can tell which direction a particular sound is coming from, even with his eyes closed. Meanwhile, another student, Bella, finds herself reacting to advertisements that she doesn't consciously remember seeing. 

Later in the day, the students visit a modern art museum. Alex is intrigued by a piece of interactive art that involves different textures. As he runs his hands over the artwork, he can distinguish between the smooth and rough surfaces. Bella, on the other hand, is captivated by a large painting of a landscape. She is amazed at how the artist has used certain techniques to create a sense of depth and distance in the painting.

Question 1

Short answer
Absolute Threshold

Question 2

Short answer
Sound Localization

Question 3

Short answer
Subliminal sensation

Question 4

Short answer
Somesthetic sense

Question 5

Short answer
Relative clarity

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