Katy and Lucy's Fashion Show (Version 3: Audition Practice)
Katy and Lucy, two students at McFarland High School, are putting together a fashion show for their classmates. The auditorium is decorated with lively and contrasting colors, creating a welcoming atmosphere. The runway setup is lively, with bright stage lights that draw attention to the models. The models will wear outfits with different textures, and the event will have upbeat music to make it more enjoyable. Katy and Lucy are especially excited about some unique and visually interesting fashion pieces that showcase the creativity of their schoolmates. Here are some cool pieces to look out for: 1) A fancy red dress made of layers and layers of fabric that drape down to the floor. 2) An artsy outfit with a mix of materials like silk, leather, and metal, showing off lots of different textures in one outfit. 3) A navy blue denim jacket with fancy embroidery and bright blue patches, blending street-style with handcrafted details. Several of the following psychological terms from our sensation and vision sections relate to Katy and Lucy's experiences running the fashion show. For each of the following terms, provide a 1-2 sentence definition of the term, and then provide a 1-2 sentence application of the term to the fashion show.
Question 1
Short answer
Auditory transduction
Question 2
Short answer
Soundwave with a small amplitude
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