Mock exam 2024 Experimental analysis-Women looking at photos of men

You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts.
A study was conducted by a psychologist to determine whether women had a preference for men who like children. One hundred fifty heterosexual female college students were randomly selected and randomly assigned to 3 groups of 50 each. Participants were not told the true purpose of the study. Instead, the participants believed they were testing a new dating Web site. Each group was shown a picture of the same man in a different scenario. Group A was shown a picture of the man alone. Group B was shown a picture of the man interacting with a child in a positive fashion. Group C was shown a picture of the man ignoring a crying child. The women were asked to rate the man on an attractiveness scale from 1 (very unattractive) to 10 (very attractive). The mean attractiveness rating for each group is presented in the table below.

Question 1

Short answer
Define and identify the independent Variable in this study 

Question 2

Short answer
Define and identify the dependent variable in this study 

Question 3

Short answer
Explain why the researchers chose to use deception in this study 

Question 4

Short answer
A subset of dad includes the following ratings: 8, 3, 5, 6, 8.  Calculate the mean for these numbers 

Question 5

Short answer
Define and identify the control group in this study 

Question 6

Short answer
Define Operational definition and identify the operational definition of "Attractive" that was used in this study 

Question 7

Short answer
Define, identify, and explain at least two confounding variables in this study 

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