Unit 7 Practice FRQ

Lola, a high school junior, finds herself in a stressful week as she prepares for both the SATs and her upcoming piano recital. Despite her lack of interest in playing the piano, Lola feels compelled to continue because of her mother's high expectations. Each evening that week, after hours of studying for the SATs, Lola sits reluctantly at the piano, practicing the pieces for the recital. As the week progresses, Lola's stress levels soar. She experiences difficulty sleeping and finds herself easily agitated, a stark contrast to her usual calm demeanor. Her friends notice she's less engaged in conversations, often lost in thought about her looming commitments.

The night before the SAT and the piano recital, Lola wondered: Should she spend her remaining time studying for the SAT, a test that could shape her academic future, or should she focus on the piano recital, aiming to meet her mother's expectations? She chose to study for the SAT. On the day of the SAT and the recital, Lola strives to perform well in both, despite her underlying reluctance and lack of enthusiasm. She feels a sense of obligation to excel, driven by the high standards she believes are expected of her.

Question 1

Short answer
Describe how Lola might experience the stages of Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome based on this scenario.

Question 2

Short answer
What hormone would Lola be experiencing a surge in due to her high stress level?

Question 3

Short answer
How does Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict apply to Lola's scenario?

Question 4

Short answer
How could facial feedback help Lola? What could she do?

Question 5

Short answer
Lola wants to perform well on both the SAT and at her piano recital. Think about Yerkes Dodson Law of Arousal. What should Lola do to ensure she can perform at her optimal level knowing that she is very stressed out?

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