Problem-Solving and Decision-Making in Organizing a School Talent Show

Alex, a high school junior, is tasked with organizing the annual school talent show. This year, the challenge is greater as the school auditorium is undergoing renovation, and Alex must find an alternative venue that is both affordable and accessible. He is also brainstorming ways to raise additional funds for the event and considering different categories of performances to include.

Group 1

Define problem-solving and describe how Alex is utilizing this cognitive process to organize the talent show.

Question 1a

Short answer
Explain the role of heuristics in Alex's decision-making process as he evaluates potential venues for the talent show.

Question 1b

Short answer
Discuss how Alex might use divergent thinking to generate creative fundraising ideas for the talent show.

Group 2

As the planning progresses, Alex encounters a few setbacks. The local community center is already booked, and the neighboring school's gymnasium is not available. Additionally, the weather forecast predicts rain for the outdoor event at the park. Alex decides to hold a meeting with the student organizing committee to gather new ideas and perspectives.

Question 2a

Short answer
Describe how Alex's use of convergent thinking led to the idea of a virtual talent show.

Question 2b

Short answer
Explain how the concept of functional fixedness might have initially hindered Alex and the committee's problem-solving process.

Question 2c

Short answer
Discuss how the incubation effect could play a role in Alex's and the committee's ability to come up with innovative solutions for the talent show.

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