Unit 6 Practice FRQ
In a small town, a high school counselor, Mr. Thompson, noticed a trend among students and their behavior in school. Curious about the impact of different parenting styles on students' academic performance, Mr. Thompson decided to conduct a study. He interviewed 200 students about their parents' approach to discipline and support, categorizing the responses into three distinct groups. Group 1 students had parents that had strict rules in their household and heavily punished their children for breaking the rules. Group 2 students had parents that had very few rules in the household and seemed to let their children do as they please. Group 3 students had parents that had a good balance of rules and flexibility, and seemed to care about doing what was best for their child whether that meant holding their child accountable or giving their child a break. After the interview, he gathered the GPA data of the students. Mr. Thompson found that the students in Group 3 on average had higher GPAs than Group 1 or Group 2 students, with Group 2 students having the lowest average GPAs. He concluded that parenting styles does impact academic performance.
Question 1
Short answer
Explain how the following concept relates to the scenario: Permissive parenting
Question 2
Short answer
Explain how the following concept relates to the scenario: Authoritarian parenting
Question 3
Short answer
Explain how the following concept relates to the scenario: Authoritative parenting
Question 4
Short answer
What type of statistic, based on his research method, would Mr. Thompson use to report his data?
Question 5
Short answer
Identify one possible confounding variable that might interfere with Mr. Thompson's study?
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