Steve and His Children (Concept-Based 2023)
Steve is in the kitchen happily making breakfast for his four children, who are all playing together in the living room. After hearing a loud crash, Steve becomes quite upset and rushes into the living room, where he sees a lamp shattered on the floor. The children are watching television, and no one is trying to clean up the lamp.
Group 1
Explain how each of the following relates to the scenario.
Question 1a
Short answer
Soundwave amplitude
Question 1b
Short answer
Procedural memory
Question 1c
Short answer
Diffusion of responsibility
Question 1d
Short answer
Dispositional attribution
Question 1e
Short answer
Group 2
Instead of asking the children what happened, Steve immediately turns off the television and sends them all outside to rake the large amount of leaves in the backyard. Steve stays irritable for the rest of the day. Explain how each of the following relates to the scenario.
Question 2a
Short answer
Authoritarian parenting style
Question 2b
Short answer
Steve's high level of the Big Five trait of neuroticism
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