Unit 9 FRQ: DebateMe and MiracleGrow (Version 3 - hard)
A new social media app called "DebateMe" has gained popularity among users who enjoy online debates. The app allows users to create anonymous profiles and participate in discussions on various topics. One day, a heated debate arises about the effectiveness of a new hair growth supplement, MiracleGrow. Some users claim that the supplement is a miracle cure for hair loss, while others argue that it is a scam. Each side of the debate gets riled up in the comments section. Those on the pro-MiracleGrow side use a comment thread to discuss amongst themselves how amazing and effective MiracleGrow has been in generating hair regrowth. At the same time, those on the anti-MiracleGrow side discuss in a separate thread how there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the claim product actually works - and some even claim that it has made their hair loss worse. Eventually, the two sides start to passionately argue with each other. At one point, Ricky, a commenter on the pro-MiracleGrow side, says that he's never been a strong science student, but from his assessment, the product is "simply magic." Kim, a commenter on the anti-MiracleGrow side, replies, calling Ricky a "brainless, balding bonehead" for believing the product is magical. She adds that if Ricky weren't "a moron who was probably too stupid to pass any of his science classes," he would understand the lack of scientific evidence for MiracleGrow’s effectiveness. No one calls out Kim for being a bully. Meanwhile the MiracleGrow CEO learns of the online debate, and she decides to launch an advertising campaign to counter the negative opinions expressed on "DebateMe." The company sends out an email-blast asking their existing customers to provide a written testimonial [a recommendation] for their cproduct, and MiracleGrow offers a $5 coupon to anyone who sends one in. The MiracleGrow advertising team goes on to ask those who provided a positive testimonial to appear in a TV commercial, and several agree. The company then creates a series of ads that emphasize the positive testimonials from satisfied customers, and they use statistics to support their claims. Additionally, they highlight the idea that people who use their supplement are more likely to live a happier life than those who don't use it. Explain the meaning of the following concepts, as well as how they relate to the provided scenario.
Question 1
Short answer
fundamental attribution error
Question 2
Short answer
frustration-aggression principle
Question 3
Short answer
just-world phenomenon
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