Motivation and Emotion FRQ

Reference the following scenarios and for each section, define each term and discuss the how the concept relates to the specific scenario. 

Question 1

Short answer
Part 1: Penny is a sophomore in high school. Her  friends claim they have a fool-proof way to access the questions to the upcoming SAT test.  Define & discuss the impact of  Formal Operations on her decision-making process (assuming and referencing  her specific development level) in leading her to a final decision as to what she should do.

Question 2

Short answer
Part 1: Penny is a sophomore in high school. Her  friends claim they have a fool-proof way to access the questions to the upcoming SAT test.  Define & discuss the impact of  Sense of Identity on her decision-making process (assuming and referencing  her specific development level) in leading her to a final decision as to what she should do.

Question 3

Short answer
Part 1: Penny is a sophomore in high school. Her  friends claim they have a fool-proof way to access the questions to the upcoming SAT test.  Define & discuss the impact of  Frontal Lobes on her decision-making process (assuming and referencing  her specific development level) in leading her to a final decision as to what she should do.

Question 4

Short answer
Part 1: Penny is a sophomore in high school. Her  friends claim they have a fool-proof way to access the questions to the upcoming SAT test.  Define & discuss the impact of  Conventional morality on her decision-making process (assuming and referencing  her specific development level) in leading her to a final decision as to what she should do.

Question 5

Short answer
Part 1: Penny is a sophomore in high school. Her  friends claim they have a fool-proof way to access the questions to the upcoming SAT test.  Define & discuss the impact of  Moral intuitions on her decision-making process (assuming and referencing  her specific development level) in leading her to a final decision as to what she should do.

Question 6

Short answer
Part 2: Billy found a bag containing several thousand dollars in the park.  While walking home, he did not notice a police officer sitting on a bench as he walked by.  At home, he discussed with his family whether to give the money to the appropriate authorities or to keep the money. Define Post conventional Moral Reasoning and explain how this concept could relate to Billy’s situation.

Question 7

Short answer
Part 2: Billy found a bag containing several thousand dollars in the park.  While walking home, he did not notice a police officer sitting on a bench as he walked by.  At home, he discussed with his family whether to give the money to the appropriate authorities or to keep the money. Define Formal Operational Stage and explain how this concept could relate to Billy’s situation.

Question 8

Short answer
Part 2: Billy found a bag containing several thousand dollars in the park.  While walking home, he did not notice a police officer sitting on a bench as he walked by.  At home, he discussed with his family whether to give the money to the appropriate authorities or to keep the money. Define Authoritarian Parenting and explain how this concept could relate to Billy’s situation.

Question 9

Short answer
Part 2: Billy found a bag containing several thousand dollars in the park.  While walking home, he did not notice a police officer sitting on a bench as he walked by.  At home, he discussed with his family whether to give the money to the appropriate authorities or to keep the money. Define Cannon-Bard Theory and explain how this concept could relate to Billy’s situation.

Question 10

Short answer
Part 2: Billy found a bag containing several thousand dollars in the park.  While walking home, he did not notice a police officer sitting on a bench as he walked by.  At home, he discussed with his family whether to give the money to the appropriate authorities or to keep the money. Define In-attentional Blindness and explain how this concept could relate to Billy’s situation.

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